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r dplyr ends_with 多个字符串匹配

[英]r dplyr ends_with multiple string matches

Can I use dplyr::select(ends_with) to select column names that fit any of multiple conditions.我可以使用 dplyr::select(ends_with) 来选择符合多个条件中的任何一个的列名。 Considering my column names, I want to use ends with instead of contains or matches, because the strings I want to select are relevant at the end of the column name, but may also appear in the middle in others.考虑到我的列名,我想使用结尾而不是包含或匹配,因为我要选择的字符串在列名的末尾是相关的,但也可能出现在其他列名的中间。 For instance,例如,

df <- data.frame(a10 = 1:4,
             a11 = 5:8,
             a20 = 1:4,
             a12 = 5:8)

I want to select columns that end with 1 or 2, to have only columns a11 and a12.我想选择以 1 或 2 结尾的列,只包含 a11 和 a12 列。 Is select(ends_with) the best way to do this? select(ends_with) 是最好的方法吗?


You can also do this using regular expressions.您也可以使用正则表达式执行此操作。 I know you did not want to use matches initially, but it actually works quite well if you use the "end of string" symbol $ .我知道您最初不想使用匹配项,但如果您使用“字符串结尾”符号$ ,它实际上效果很好。 Separate your various endings with ||分隔你的各种结局. .

df <- data.frame(a10 = 1:4,
                 a11 = 5:8,
                 a20 = 1:4,
                 a12 = 5:8)

df %>% select(matches('1$|2$'))
  a11 a12
1   5   5
2   6   6
3   7   7
4   8   8

If you have a more complex example with a long list, use paste0 with collapse = '|'如果你有一个更复杂的例子,列表很长,请使用带有collapse = '|' paste0 . .

dff <- data.frame(a11 = 1:3,
                  a12 = 2:4,
                  a13 = 3:5,
                  a16 = 5:7,
                  my_cat = LETTERS[1:3],
                  my_dog = LETTERS[5:7],
                  my_snake = LETTERS[9:11])

my_cols <- paste0(c(1,2,6,'dog','cat'), 
                  collapse = '|')

dff %>% select(matches(my_cols))

  a11 a12 a16 my_cat my_dog
1   1   2   5      A      E
2   2   3   6      B      F
3   3   4   7      C      G

From version 1.0.0 , you can combine multiple selections using Boolean logic such as !从版本1.0.0 开始,您可以使用布尔逻辑组合多个选择,例如! (negate), & (and) and | (否定), & (and) and | (or). (或)。

### Install development version on GitHub first until CRAN version is available
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("tidyverse/dplyr")
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

df <- data.frame(a10 = 1:4,
                 a11 = 5:8,
                 a20 = 1:4,
                 a12 = 5:8)

df %>% 
  select(ends_with("1") | ends_with("2"))
#>   a11 a12
#> 1   5   5
#> 2   6   6
#> 3   7   7
#> 4   8   8

or use num_range() to select the desired columns或使用num_range()选择所需的列

df %>% 
  select(num_range(prefix = "a", range = 11:12))
#>   a11 a12
#> 1   5   5
#> 2   6   6
#> 3   7   7
#> 4   8   8

Created on 2020-02-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)reprex 包(v0.3.0) 于 2020 年 2 月 17 日创建

I don't know if ends_with() is the best way to do this, but you could also do this in base R with a logical index.我不知道ends_with()是否是执行此操作的最佳方法,但您也可以在带有逻辑索引的基R 中执行此操作。

# Extract the last character of the column names, and test if it is "1" or "2"
lgl_index <- substr(x     = names(df), 
                    start = nchar(names(df)), 
                    stop  = nchar(names(df))) %in% c("1", "2")

With this index, you can subset the dataframe as follows使用此索引,您可以按如下方式对数据帧进行子集

df[, lgl_index]
  a11 a12
1   5   5
2   6   6
3   7   7
4   8   8

or with dplyr::select()或使用dplyr::select()

select(df, which(lgl_index))
  a11 a12
1   5   5
2   6   6
3   7   7
4   8   8

keeping only columns that end with either 1 or 2.只保留以 1 或 2 结尾的列。

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