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[英]WebWorldWind Renderable Position Update

I am trying to "move" renderables around the web worldwind globe on an interval. 我试图在一段时间内围绕网络世界风地球“移动”可渲染物。 To illustrate the issue I am having, I made a small example. 为了说明我遇到的问题,我做了一个小例子。

This works (but is inefficient): 这有效(但效率低下):

    var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 5000);

    function myTimer() {

        shape = new WorldWind.SurfaceCircle(new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude), 200e3, attributes);

        console.log(" new pos "+shape.center.latitude + " "+shape.center.longitude);


This is what I'd like to do, but the shape doesn't move: 这是我想做的,但形状不动:

    var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 5000);

    function myTimer() {

        shape.center = new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude);

        console.log(" new pos "+shape.center.latitude + " "+shape.center.longitude);


Is there a flag I need to set on the renderable to make it refresh? 我需要在渲染上设置一个标志以使其刷新吗?

Here is the full SurfaceShapes.js file I've been playing with (based on this http://worldwindserver.net/webworldwind/examples/SurfaceShapes.html ): 这是我一直在玩的完整SurfaceShapes.js文件(基于这个http://worldwindserver.net/webworldwind/examples/Sur​​faceShapes.html ):

 * Copyright (C) 2014 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
 * National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
 * Illustrates how to display SurfaceShapes.
 * @version $Id: SurfaceShapes.js 3320 2015-07-15 20:53:05Z dcollins $

    function (ww,
              LayerManager) {
        "use strict";

        // Tell World Wind to log only warnings.

        // Create the World Window.
        var wwd = new WorldWind.WorldWindow("canvasOne");

         * Added imagery layers.
        var layers = [
            {layer: new WorldWind.BMNGLayer(), enabled: true},
            {layer: new WorldWind.BingAerialWithLabelsLayer(null), enabled: true},
            {layer: new WorldWind.CompassLayer(), enabled: true},
            {layer: new WorldWind.CoordinatesDisplayLayer(wwd), enabled: true},
            {layer: new WorldWind.ViewControlsLayer(wwd), enabled: true}

        for (var l = 0; l < layers.length; l++) {
            layers[l].layer.enabled = layers[l].enabled;

        // Create a layer to hold the surface shapes.
        var shapesLayer = new WorldWind.RenderableLayer("Surface Shapes");

        // Create and set attributes for it. The shapes below except the surface polyline use this same attributes
        // object. Real apps typically create new attributes objects for each shape unless they know the attributes
        // can be shared among shapes.
        var attributes = new WorldWind.ShapeAttributes(null);
        attributes.outlineColor = WorldWind.Color.BLUE;
        attributes.drawInterior = false;
        attributes.outlineWidth  = 4;
        attributes.outlineStippleFactor = 1;
        attributes.outlineStipplePattern  = 0xF0F0;    

        var highlightAttributes = new WorldWind.ShapeAttributes(attributes);
        highlightAttributes.interiorColor = new WorldWind.Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

        // Create a surface circle with a radius of 200 km.
        var shape = new WorldWind.SurfaceCircle(new WorldWind.Location(35, -120), 200e3, attributes);
        shape.highlightAttributes = highlightAttributes;

        // Create a layer manager for controlling layer visibility.
        var layerManger = new LayerManager(wwd);

        // Now set up to handle highlighting.
        var highlightController = new WorldWind.HighlightController(wwd);

        var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 5000);

        function myTimer() {

            //Shape doesn't move

            shape.center = new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude);

            //Shape "moves" but is inefficient

            //shape = new WorldWind.SurfaceCircle(new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude), 200e3, attributes);

            console.log(" new pos "+shape.center.latitude + " "+shape.center.longitude);


Document says renderables variable is readonly but I think it can be possible. 文件说renderables变量是readonly但我认为它是可能的。
change code 改变代码

shape.center = new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude);


index = ShapesLayer.renderables.indexOf(shape);
ShapesLayer.renderables[index].center = new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude);

I think ShapesLayer.addRenderable create anther shape. 我认为ShapesLayer.addRenderable可以创造出另一种形状。

If you think it's not good way to do you can use this way 如果您认为这不是一个好方法,您可以使用这种方式

    RenderableLayer.prototype.changeRenderable= function (prevRenderable, nextRenderable) {

      index = ShapesLayer.renderables.indexOf(prevRenderable);
      ShapesLayer.renderables[index].center = nextRenderable;

main code 主要代码

 ShapesLayer.changeRenderable(shape, new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude));

Document : https://nasaworldwind.github.io/WebWorldWind/layer_RenderableLayer.js.html 文件: https//nasaworldwind.github.io/WebWorldWind/layer_RenderableLayer.js.html

If anyone else is looking at this, I found a better solution to force it to recompute the center position by setting isPrepared to false and _boundaries to undefined. 如果其他人正在考虑这个问题,我找到了一个更好的解决方案,通过将isPrepared设置为false并将_boundaries设置为undefined来强制它重新计算中心位置。

   var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 5000);

    function myTimer() {

        shape.isPrepared = false;
        shape._boundaries = undefined;

        shape.center = new WorldWind.Location(shape.center.latitude+1, shape.center.longitude);

        console.log(" new pos "+shape.center.latitude + " "+shape.center.longitude);


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