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非常零星的Go HTTP错误:多个响应。WriteHeader调用

[英]Very Sporadic Go HTTP Error: multiple response.WriteHeader calls

I wrote Kanali which is an open source Kubernetes Ingress/API management tool and for about 1/200k requests I receive the following fatal error: 我写了Kanali这是一个开源的Kubernetes Ingress / API管理工具,对于大约1 / 200k的请求,我收到以下致命错误:

2017/08/16 12:40:57 http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls
{"level":"error","method":"GET","msg":"unknown error","time":"2017-08-16T12:40:57Z","uri":"/ommitted/path"}
{"level":"fatal","msg":"write tcp4\u003e192.168.4.0:54554: write: broken pipe","time":"2017-08-16T12:40:57Z"}

I'm having a really hard time reproducing it but here is the relevant code. 我很难复制它,但是这里是相关的代码。 Kanali is a large project but the td;lr is that after this first code snippet is executed, the second code snipped is executed which handles errors. Kanali是一个很大的项目,但td; lr是在执行了第一个代码段之后,将执行第二个代码段,以处理错误。

func (step WriteResponseStep) Do(ctx context.Context, m *metrics.Metrics, c *controller.Controller, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, resp *http.Response, trace opentracing.Span) error {
    for k, v := range resp.Header {
        for _, value := range v {
            w.Header().Set(k, value)
    closer, str, err := utils.DupReaderAndString(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Errorf("error copying response body, response may not be as expected: %s", err.Error())
    trace.SetTag("http.status_code", resp.StatusCode)
    trace.SetTag("http.response_body", str)
    if _, err := io.Copy(w, closer); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

later in the code... 稍后在代码中...

if err != nil {

    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

    switch e := err.(type) {
    case utils.Error:
            "method": r.Method,
            "uri":    r.RequestURI,

        errStatus, err := json.Marshal(utils.JSONErr{Code: e.Status(), Msg: e.Error()})
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Warnf("could not marsah request headers into JSON - tracing data maybe not be as expected")
        if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(utils.JSONErr{Code: e.Status(), Msg: e.Error()}); err != nil {
            "method": r.Method,
            "uri":    r.RequestURI,
        }).Error("unknown error")
        errStatus, err := json.Marshal(utils.JSONErr{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Msg: "unknown error"})
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Warnf("could not marsah request headers into JSON - tracing data maybe not be as expected")
        if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(utils.JSONErr{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Msg: "unknown error"}); err != nil {

The error message is telling you that WriteHeader is called more than once (either directly or indirectly by a call to Write). 错误消息告诉您多次调用WriteHeader(直接或间接通过调用Write)。 The header can only be written to the network once. 标头只能写入一次网络。 Both snippets have a call to WriteHeader. 这两个代码片段都调用了WriteHeader。

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