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[英]Multiple django projects on apache [UPDATE]

After help, I have come to a proj.conf of this: 经过帮助,我来到了proj.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    WSGIScriptAlias /f_app /home/4rsenal/f_proj/f_proj/wsgi.py

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustumLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    Alias /static/ /home/4rsenal/f_proj/static
    <Directory /home/4rsenal/f_proj/static>
            Require all granted

    <Directory /home/4rsenal/f_proj/f_proj>
            <Files wsgi.py>
                    Requier all granted
    WSGIProcessGroup f_proj
    WSGIDaemonProcess f_proj python-home=/home/4rsenal/f_proj/f_projenv python-path=/home/4rsenal/f_proj   

<VirtualHost *:80>
    WSGIScriptAlias /m_app /home/4rsenal/m_proj/m_proj/wsgi.py

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustumLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    Alias /static/ /home/4rsenal/m_proj/static
    <Directory /home/4rsenal/m_proj/static>
            Require all granted

    <Directory /home/4rsenal/m_proj/m_proj>
            <Files wsgi.py>
                    Requier all granted
    WSGIProcessGroup m_proj
    WSGIDaemonProcess m_proj python-home=/home/4rsenal/m_proj/m_projenv python-path=/home/4rsenal/m_proj

With the new alias', if I type in http://[MYIPADDRESS]/f_app/f_app/ I'm good to go with that site, but if I type in http://[MYIPADDRESS]/m_app/m_app/ I get a Not Found error. 使用新别名”,如果我输入http:// [MYIPADDRESS] / f_app / f_app / ,则可以使用该网站,但如果我输入http:// [MYIPADDRESS] / m_app / m_app / ,出现未找到错误。 Why does one alias work but not the other? 为什么一个别名有效,而另一个别名无效? (I can fix the stupid looking urls later once I get these to both work). (一旦我使它们都起作用,我便可以稍后修复愚蠢的网址)。

The basis of the problem if your configuration was accurate was that you had two VirtualHost definitions but neither had a ServerName . 如果您的配置正确的话,问题的基础是您有两个VirtualHost定义,但都没有ServerName This meant name based host name matching couldn't be applied and so it would always use the first VirtualHost . 这意味着无法应用基于名称的主机名匹配,因此它将始终使用第一个VirtualHost

If you had intended them to be both under the same host name, the configuration should all be in the one VirtualHost . 如果您希望它们都使用相同的主机名,则配置都应在一个VirtualHost

This sort of problem along with others related to running multiple Django applications at the same time are explained in the blog post: 博客文章中介绍了此类问题以及与同时运行多个Django应用程序相关的其他问题:

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