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[英]How to restore savedInstanceState of fragment?

I was able to save outState as follows but was unable to restore when I land on this AttendanceFragment.cs second time. 我能够按如下方式保存outState,但是当我第二次登录此AttendanceFragment.cs时无法还原。

 public override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
        dataGotFromServer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataList);
        outState.PutString(KEY_OUTSTATE, dataGotFromServer);

I tried here to restore but could not get it 我在这里尝试还原但无法获取

 public override void OnViewStateRestored(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            var result = savedInstanceState.GetString(KEY_OUTSTATE, dataGotFromServer);


and also I tried on CreateView(), OnActivityCreated() and On Create() but unsuccessfull to restore. 而且我尝试了CreateView(),OnActivityCreated()和Create(),但还原失败。

And my code for fragment replacement is as 我的片段替换代码是

 public void ReplaceFragment(Context context, Fragment newFragment, string TAG)
        Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager fragmentManager = ((FragmentActivity)context).SupportFragmentManager;
        Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentTransaction ft = fragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
        ft.Replace(Resource.Id.HomeFrameLayout, newFragment);


Edited: This is how I call this fragment 编辑:这就是我所说的片段

 case (Resource.Id.nav_attendance):

                var role = session.GetUserDetails().Get(SessionManagement.KEY_ROLE).ToString();
                if (role=="Student")
                    Fragment attendanceTabFragment = new AttendanceTabFragment();
                    customFragment.ReplaceFragment(this, attendanceTabFragment,typeof(AttendanceTabFragment).Name);
                    Fragment attendanceFragment = new AttendanceFragment();
                    customFragment.ReplaceFragment(this, attendanceFragment, typeof(AttendanceFragment).Name);

Any idea or sample code much appreciated. 任何想法或示例代码非常感谢。 Thank you. 谢谢。

Unless the Activity that contains the Fragment get disposed, Fragment's OnSaveInstanceState is not going to be called. 除非处理包含Fragment的Activity,否则将不会调用Fragment的OnSaveInstanceState

In a situation were you are swapping Fragments in and out, using Fragment.Arguments is an option instead of a singleton/static var... 在一种情况下,您使用Fragment.Arguments是一个选项而不是单例/静态变量来交换片段进出。

re: getArguments / setArguments 回复getArguments / setArguments

In using arguments: 在使用参数时:

  1. Create a new Bundle in the Fragment constructor and assign it to Arguments 在Fragment构造函数中创建一个新Bundle并将其分配给Arguments
  2. In the OnPause override update the Arguments/Bundle with the items you need to save. OnPause替代中,使用您需要保存的项目更新Arguments / Bundle。
  3. In the OnResume override read the Arguments/Bundle items that you need to restore. OnResume替代中,读取您需要还原的Arguments / Bundle项目。

Example Fragment: 片段示例:

public class Fragment1 : Fragment
    public Fragment1(System.IntPtr javaReference, Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)

    public Fragment1()

    void CreateArgumentBundle()
        Arguments = new Bundle();

    public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
        return inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Frag1, container, false);

    public override void OnPause()
        Arguments.PutString("someKey", "StackOverflow");

    public override void OnResume()
        var someKeyString = Arguments.GetString("someKey", "someDefaultString(new bundle)");
        Log.Debug("SO", someKeyString);

In your ReplaceFragment make sure that you are assigning the TAG in the Replace call: 在您的ReplaceFragment确保要在Replace调用中分配TAG

public void ReplaceFragment(Context context, Fragment newFragment, string TAG)
        .Replace(Resource.Id.fragmentContainer, newFragment, TAG)

Before calling your ReplaceFragment , check to see if the Fragment exists ( FindFragmentByTag ) before creating a new one, this example just swaps two fragments in and out and only creates new ones if the manager does not contain one: 在调用ReplaceFragment之前,请在创建新片段之前检查片段是否存在( FindFragmentByTag ),此示例仅将两个片段交换进出,如果管理器中不包含两个片段,则仅创建新片段:

button.Click += delegate
    toggle = !toggle;
    var frag = SupportFragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag(toggle ? "frag1" : "frag2");
    frag = frag ?? ( toggle ? (Fragment)new Fragment1() : (Fragment)new Fragment2() );
    ReplaceFragment(this, frag, toggle ? "frag1" : "frag2");

Note: You will still need to handle the other Fragment lifecycle events in the case that the hosting Activity is recycled: 注意:在回收托管活动的情况下,您仍然需要处理其他Fragment生命周期事件:

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