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[英]Need Help Converting some F# code to C#

I am doing a Machine Learning using F# book. 我正在使用F#书进行机器学习。 I am converting the F# code to C# and doing the tutorials as I do not understand F# that much. 我将F#代码转换为C#并进行了教程,因为我不太了解F#。 I really got stuck in a part of code and wonder if someone can tell me how to write the code in c#. 我真的陷入了代码的一部分,想知道是否有人可以告诉我如何用C#编写代码。 Even just the explanation of what the code does in F# would be helpful.. The code I am stuck is 即使只是解释代码在F#中的功能也将有所帮助。

let tokenScore (group:DocsGroup) (token:Token) =
  if group.TokenFrequencies.ContainsKey token
  then log group.TokenFrequencies.[token]
  else 0.0

let score (document:TokenizedDoc) (group:DocsGroup) =
   let scoreToken = tokenScore group
   log group.Proportion +
   (document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken)

I'm really stuck with the 我真的坚持

let scoreToken = tokenScore group
   log group.Proportion +
   (document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken)

This is the tutorial in the Machine Learning Projects for .Net Developers - Chapter 2. If you can help me that would be great. 这是.Net开发人员机器学习项目中的教程-第2章。如果可以帮助我,那真是太好了。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

F# functions are curried . F#函数是咖喱的 That means that if a function is declared with two parameters, and you call it with just one parameter, the result is another function , of one parameter. 这意味着,如果使用两个参数声明一个函数,而仅用一个参数调用它,则结果是一个参数的另一个函数 Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

let add x y = x + y
let n = add 2 3  // Now n has the value 5
let addFive = add 5  // This is a *function* that takes one parameter
let altAddFive y = add 5 y  // Another way to define the same thing
let result = addFive 3  // Now result has the value 8
let altResult = altAddFive 3  // This one also has the value 8

So in the score function, the name scoreToken now refers to a function that takes one parameter, and then calls tokenScore with two parameters: group , and the value it was just passed. 因此,在score函数中,名称scoreToken现在是指一个具有一个参数的函数,然后使用两个参数调用tokenScoregroup和刚刚传递的值。 In other words, the definition of scoreToken could have been written as: 换句话说, scoreToken的定义可以写成:

let scoreToken token = tokenScore group token

And that would have been the same thing. 那将是同一回事。

Now for the next line. 现在下一行。 First, log is the natural logarithm function , usually written as ln in mathematical notation. 首先, log自然对数函数 ,通常以数学符号ln表示。 It takes a single floating-point number, and returns a floating-point number. 它采用一个浮点数,并返回一个浮点数。 The rules of operator precedence in F# are that function calls are higher precedence than operators, so log 3.0 + 5.0 would be interpreted as (log 3.0) + 5.0 , which would not be the same value as log 8.0 . 运算符优先级的F#中的规则是该函数调用比运营商优先级更高 ,因此log 3.0 + 5.0将被解释为(log 3.0) + 5.0 ,这不会是相同的值作为log 8.0 Therefore, the following lines: 因此,以下几行:

log group.Proportion +
(document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken)

are equivalent to this: 等效于:

let score1 = log group.Proportion
let score2 = document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken
score1 + score2

Finally, the document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken line may also be confusing you. 最后, document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken行也可能使您感到困惑。 There are two parts to it. 它有两个部分。 First, Seq.sumBy is the equivalent of the two-parameter version of the LINQ Sum method , but the parameter order in F# is the opposite of the one in C#. 首先, Seq.sumBy 与LINQ Sum方法的两参数版本等效,但是F#中的参数顺序与C#中的参数顺序相反。 The F# Seq.sumBy function takes two parameters; F# Seq.sumBy函数采用两个参数; first, the function that should be applied to each element to produce a value, and second, the sequence of elements. 首先,应应用于每个元素以产生值的函数,其次是元素序列。 Ie, if you were calling it without that |> operator, it would look like this: 即,如果您在不使用|>运算符的情况下调用它,则它将看起来像这样:

Seq.sumBy scoreToken document

This would go through the document sequence (which is of type TokenizedDoc and, given the way it's used, clearly can be treated as a sequence of tokens). 这将遍历document序列(其类型为TokenizedDoc并且鉴于其使用方式,显然可以视为令牌序列)。 For each token in the document, the scoreToken function would be called (if you'll remember, calling scoreToken t , where t is some token, is the same as calling tokenScore group t ). 对于文档中的每个令牌,将调用scoreToken函数(如果您还记得,调用scoreToken t ,其中t是某些令牌,与调用tokenScore group t相同)。 That call would produce a floating-point value. 该调用将产生一个浮点值。 Finally, all the floating-point values will be added together to produce the final score. 最后,所有浮点值将被加在一起以产生最终分数。

However, in F#, it's traditional to use the "pipe" operator |> when summing sequences or doing similar things: document |> Seq.sumBy scoreToken is exactly equivalent to Seq.sumBy scoreToken document . 但是,在F#中,传统上在对序列求和或执行类似操作时使用“ pipe”运算符|>document |> Seq.sumBy scoreTokenSeq.sumBy scoreToken document完全等效。 The |> operator is rather well explained in the answer to another SO question so I won't duplicate that answer here. |>运算符在另一个SO问题的答案中作了很好的解释,因此在此我将不重复该答案。

So what this function is doing is taking the natural log of the group.Proportion value, and adding it to the score of each token in the document. 因此,此功能正在执行的操作是获取group.Proportion值的自然对数,并将其添加到文档中每个标记的分数中。 The result of this addition is the last expression in the function, so that's the result of the function: in F#, unlike C#, you don't need to type return at the end of functions. 加法的结果是函数中的最后一个表达式,所以这就是函数的结果:在F#中,与C#不同,您不需要在函数末尾键入return (The return keyword has a different meaning in F#, which I won't get into now as that's a whole different topic). return关键字在F#中具有不同的含义,由于这是一个完全不同的主题,因此我现在不再赘述)。

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