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将CSS添加到react / JSX以隐藏组件

[英]Adding CSS to react/JSX to hide a component

I am hiding and showing a component based on the state of a checkbox, and I am using a ternary operator to decide whether the component is shown or hidden. 我正在基于复选框的状态隐藏和显示组件,并且正在使用三元运算符来确定该组件是显示还是隐藏。 However, this component is handling data so it would be better to just hide the component with CSS, because every time the component is re-shown, it creates a new request. 但是,此组件正在处理数据,因此最好使用CSS隐藏该组件,因为每次重新显示该组件时,它都会创建一个新请求。 Below is the ternary operator: 以下是三元运算符:

const displayWidget = this.state.checked ? <Widget /> : null;

I have looked other examples trying to accomplish the same, some suggesting something like: 我看过其他尝试达到相同目的的示例,其中一些建议如下:

const divStyle = {
   visibility: 'hidden',

const displayWidget = this.state.checked ? <Widget /> : <Widget style= {divStyle} />`

Is the second example the right way to go about it and I'm just doing something wrong, or is there another way to go about solving this problem? 第二个示例是正确的解决方法,而我只是做错了什么,还是有另一种方法可以解决此问题?

The simple answer is you can do either, it is simply based on your requirements. 简单的答案是您可以执行任何一项操作,这只是基于您的要求。

Returning null 返回null

const displayWidget = this.state.checked ? <Widget /> : null;

Doing it this way means that when this.state.checked is true then your Widget component is mounted and componentWillMount / componentDidMount will be called. 这样做,这样意味着当this.state.checkedtrue那么你Widget组件mountedcomponentWillMount / componentDidMount将被调用。

However, when this.state.checked is false the Widget component will unmount and if you stick a console.log in the componentWillUnmount function you will see this. 但是,如果this.state.checkedfalse ,则将unmount Widget组件,如果将console.log粘贴在componentWillUnmount函数中,则会看到此消息。

If this.state.checked is true (again) then your Widget component is mounted (again) and componentWillMount / componentDidMount will be called (again). 如果this.state.checkedtrue (再次),则将再次mounted Widget组件,并将再次调用componentWillMount / componentDidMount

Hiding via css 通过CSS隐藏

I would change your code to this: 我将您的代码更改为此:

const divStyle = {
   visibility: 'hidden',

const displayWidget = <Widget style= {...this.state.checked ? {} : divStyle} />

This way means that on initial render and this.state.checked is true then it will mount in the same way as the null approach. 这种方式意味着在初始renderthis.state.checkedtrue ,它将以与null方法相同的方式mount

However, when this.state.checked is false , unmount is NOT called as the component is still mounted but is now simply being hidden via css . 但是,如果this.state.checkedfalse ,则不会调用unmount因为该组件仍在mounted而现在只是通过css隐藏。

A alternative approach to hiding a component but keeping it mounted 隐藏组件但保持安装状态的另一种方法

<Widget visible={this.state.checked} />

And in the render() method of your Widget component you could do something like: Widget组件的render()方法中,您可以执行以下操作:

render() {
  if (!this.props.visible) {
    return null;
  return <span>widget content</span>;

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