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[英].EXE does not start with Process.Start(path_to.exe)

I have created DatePicker.exe with Inno Setup. 我已经用Inno Setup创建了DatePicker.exe

Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MyJournal

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        8/17/2017   4:44 AM                Log
-a----        8/17/2017   3:30 PM           2747 appointments.bin
-a----        8/17/2017   1:46 PM          45056 DatePicker.exe
-a----         8/8/2017   8:35 AM            189 DatePicker.exe.config
-a----        8/17/2017   1:46 PM          79360 DatePicker.pdb
-a----        8/15/2017  10:17 AM           1122 DatePicker.SED
-a----        8/17/2017   1:47 PM          12946 unins000.dat
-a----        8/17/2017   1:47 PM         725157 unins000.exe

This does not work - DatePicker.exe does not open, and there are no errors: 这不起作用DatePicker.exe无法打开,并且没有错误:

Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\MyJournal\DatePicker.exe");

But this works 但这有效


Link from desktop points to the same path as above. 从桌面指向的链接与上述相同。

Why does the first example not work? 为什么第一个示例不起作用?


As suggested I have tried to set the working directory. 根据建议,我尝试设置工作目录。 But no luck so far. 但到目前为止没有运气。 This did not work for me. 这对我没有用。

ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Program Files(x86)\MyJournal";
startInfo.FileName = @"DatePicker.exe";
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

Process myProcess = Process.Start(startInfo);

UPDATE # 2 ; 更新#2 ;

It finally works with
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\MyJournal\DatePicker.exe");
                psi.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\MyJournal";

Is it possible it's not running because the default directory is not set? 因为未设置默认目录,所以它可能没有运行吗? Try using a StartInfo parameter instead, and set the working directory to the same as the program directory. 尝试改用StartInfo参数,并将工作目录设置为与程序目录相同。

Have you tried starting it from the Command Promt? 您是否尝试过从命令提示符启动它? If the application is working fine when manually opening it, it may be because of UseShellExecute begin true by default. 如果应用程序在手动打开时运行良好,则可能是因为UseShellExecute默认情况下开始为true

Try startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; 尝试startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

According to MSDN startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; 根据MSDN startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; is ignored when UseShellExecute is true or if the UserName and Password properties are not null . UseShellExecutetrueUserNamePassword属性不为null时,将忽略此UseShellExecute

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