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如何在 VSCode 顶部显示打开文件的选项卡?

[英]How to show tabs of open files across the top of VSCode?

It seems that I've fat-fingered some hotkey and my top tabs in VSCode have disappeared.似乎我已经对一些热键进行了粗指,而我在 VSCode 中的顶部选项卡已经消失了。

I miss them terribly.我非常想念他们。 How do I configure VSCode to show tabs of open files across the top of the window?如何配置 VSCode 以在窗口顶部显示打开文件的选项卡?

Thank you for your help.感谢您的帮助。

You probably set the "showTabs" setting to false.您可能将“showTabs”设置设置为 false。 To fix this, open user settings: ctrl + shift + p and type in "user settings" and select the "Open User Settings" option.要解决此问题,请打开用户设置: ctrl + shift + p并输入“用户设置”并选择“打开用户设置”选项。

Find the line that looks something similar to:找到类似于以下内容的行:

  "workbench.editor.showTabs": false,

and delete it.并删除它。 Save the file, and you should see your tabs again.保存文件,您应该会再次看到您的选项卡。

If that is not the setting, read through your settings file and see if there is something else that may be causing the issue.如果这不是设置,请通读您的设置文件,看看是否还有其他可能导致问题的原因。

Open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P and execute View: Toggle Tab Visibility :使用Ctrl + Shift + P打开命令面板并执行View: Toggle Tab Visibility


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