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[英]Why doesn't first and last in a groupby give me first and last

I'm posting this because the topic just got brought up in another question/answer and the behavior isn't very well documented. 我发布这个是因为这个话题刚刚出现在另一个问题/答案中,并且行为记录不清楚。

Consider the dataframe df 考虑数据帧df

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
    B=[np.nan, 1, 2, 3, 4, np.nan]

   A    B
0  x  NaN
1  x  1.0
2  x  2.0
3  y  3.0
4  y  4.0
5  y  NaN

I wanted to get the first and last rows of each group defined by column 'A' . 我想获得由列'A'定义的每个组的第一行和最后一行。

I tried 我试过了

df.groupby('A').B.agg(['first', 'last'])

   first  last
x    1.0   2.0
y    3.0   4.0

However, This doesn't give me the np.NaN s that I expected. 但是,这并没有给我预期的np.NaN

How do I get the actual first and last values in each group? 如何获得每组中的实际第一个和最后一个值?

As noted here by @unutbu : 如前所述这里@unutbu

The groupby.first and groupby.last methods return the first and last non-null values respectively. groupby.firstgroupby.last方法分别返回第一个和最后一个非null值。

To get the actual first and last values, do: 要获取实际的第一个和最后一个值,请执行:

def h(x):
    return x.values[0]

def t(x):
    return x.values[-1]

df.groupby('A').B.agg([h, t])

     h    t
x  NaN  2.0
y  3.0  NaN

One option is to use the .nth method: 一种选择是使用.nth方法:

>>> gb = df.groupby('A')
>>> gb.nth(0)
x  NaN
y  3.0
>>> gb.nth(-1)
x  2.0
y  NaN

However, I haven't found a way to aggregate them neatly. 但是,我还没有找到一种方法来整齐地聚合它们。 Of course, one can always use a pd.DataFrame constructor: 当然,总是可以使用pd.DataFrame构造函数:

>>> pd.DataFrame({'first':gb.B.nth(0), 'last':gb.B.nth(-1)})
   first  last
x    NaN   2.0
y    3.0   NaN

Note: I explicitly used the gb.B attribute, or else you have to use .squeeze 注意:我明确使用了gb.B属性,否则你必须使用.squeeze

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