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[英]Quickblox frequent crash in Android

I have been working with Quickblox SDK for past few weeks and have developed applications with features of one-to-one, group chat as well as WebRTC too. 我过去几周一直在使用Quickblox SDK,并开发了具有一对一,群聊以及WebRTC功能的应用程序。 I am using 3.0 version of the SDK due to some of my requirements and I will not be able to change it. 由于某些要求,我正在使用SDK的3.0版本,因此无法更改它。

There is one crash which I am frequently facing in my app in no specific screen. 在没有特定屏幕的情况下,我的应用程序经常遇到一次崩溃。 I have reported this to Quickblox as well but did not help much. 我也已将此报告给Quickblox,但并没有太大帮助。

The crash log is as below : 崩溃日志如下:

at com.quickblox.chat.model.QBChatDialog.initChat (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.chat.model.QBChatDialog.initChatFromRest (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.chat.model.QBDialogDeserializer.deserialize (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.chat.model.QBDialogDeserializer.deserialize (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.v.b (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.b.a.l.b (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.b.a.b$a.a (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.b.a.b$a.b (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.b.a.i$1.a (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.b.a.i$a.b (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.f.a (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.f.a (Unknown Source)
at com.google.a.f.a (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.core.parser.QBJsonParser.parseJsonResponse (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.core.parser.QBLimitedJsonParser.parseJsonResponse (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.core.parser.QBJsonParser.parse (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.core.Query$a.completedWithResponse (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.core.Query.completedWithResponse (Unknown Source)
at com.quickblox.core.server.HttpRequestRunnable$1.handleMessage (Unknown Source)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (Handler.java:111)
at android.os.Looper.loop (Looper.java:238)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main (ActivityThread.java:6006)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run (ZygoteInit.java:937)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:798)   

Just to be noted, I could not find any file with method using any of mentioned in crash log like initChat() or anything else and crash can come to any of the screen in app. 请注意,我无法使用崩溃日志中提到的任何方法initChat()或其他任何方法)找到任何文件,并且崩溃可能出现在应用程序的任何屏幕上。 So not sure which code I should share here. 所以不确定我应该在这里共享哪个代码。 I would be thankful for any suggetions. 如有任何建议,我将不胜感激。

Looks like you load dialogs and not logged in to the chat in this moment. 看起来您正在加载对话框,但此刻尚未登录聊天。 Use latest version of QuickBlox Android SDK with fix this issue. 使用最新版本的QuickBlox Android SDK可以解决此问题。

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