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Spring Boot中的外部YAML属性文件和常规属性文件

[英]External YAML property file and normal properties file in Spring Boot

This is how I have set up external configuration file: 这是我设置外部配置文件的方式:

/** for .yaml file
public class WaterLvlAlertConfig {

/** for .properties file
public class WaterLvlConfig {

Properties are not being picked up, and my files are inside the resources file. 属性没有被提取,我的文件位于资源文件中。 I think the path I'm providing is wrong. 我认为我提供的路径是错误的。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

In spring boot @PropertySource cannot be used when using .yaml configuration. 在春季启动中,使用.yaml配置时无法使用@PropertySource。 Refer to point 24.6.4 YAML shortcomings in externalized configuration documents. 请参阅外部化配置文档中的点24.6.4 YAML缺点。 Also, a similar question is answered earlier, refer - Spring boot external configuration of property file 另外,前面已经回答了类似的问题,请参考-Spring Boot属性文件的外部配置

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