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从Excel VBA运行访问表单

[英]Running Access Form from Excel VBA

I am using Excel 2013 and Access 2013. My access query has a form that takes2 inputs, "start date" and "end date", and then runs a macro in access. 我正在使用Excel 2013和Access2013。我的访问查询的表单需要2个输入(“开始日期”和“结束日期”),然后在访问中运行宏。 Is there a way I can use VBA to input "start date" and "end date" from excel and run the form in access? 有没有一种方法可以使用VBA从excel输入“开始日期”和“结束日期”并在Access中运行表单? Here is what I have tried, but I get an error saying "The action or method is invalid because the form or report isn't bound to a table or query" 这是我尝试过的操作,但出现错误,提示“操作或方法无效,因为表单或报表未绑定到表或查询”

Sub RunAccessQuery()

Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim appAccess As Access.Application
Dim startDate As Date
Dim endDate As Date

startDate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Range("B2").Value

strDatabasePath = "access database path"
Set appAccess = New Access.Application
With appAccess
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    .OpenCurrentDatabase strDatabasePath
    .DoCmd.OpenForm "inputForm", , , "start =" & startDate
End With
Set appAccess = Nothing

MsgBox ("Data has been updated")

End Sub

This is what my form looks like. 这就是我的表格。 Click me runs a macro, the first text box holds variable "start" and second one holds variable "end" 单击我运行一个宏,第一个文本框包含变量“开始”,第二个文本框包含变量“结束”


Since I assume your form has no recordsource, and the controls are unbound, the following should avoid the error you've encountered: 由于我假设您的表单没有记录源,并且控件是未绑定的,因此以下内容应避免您遇到的错误:

Sub RunAccessQuery()

Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim appAccess As Access.Application
Dim startDate As Date
Dim endDate As Date

startDate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Range("B2").Value

strDatabasePath = "access database path"
Set appAccess = New Access.Application
With appAccess
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    .OpenCurrentDatabase strDatabasePath
    .DoCmd.OpenForm "inputForm"
    .Forms("inputForm").start = startDate
End With
Set appAccess = Nothing

MsgBox ("Data has been updated")

End Sub

However, this still does nothing more than just open the form and set the start date, and closes Access immediately after. 但是,这只不过是打开表单并设置开始日期,并在此之后立即关闭Access。

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