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[英]Insert “ ” into formula with variables VBA

I want to insert a vlookup into a range of cells that is defined by variables. 我想将vlookup插入由变量定义的一系列单元格中。 My problem is that the search criteria (I gave the variable the name x) in the vlookup needs to be in " ", else the vlookup doesnt work. 我的问题是,vlookup中的搜索条件(我给变量命名为x)必须位于“”中,否则vlookup不起作用。

But if I insert those " " into the formula in any way VBA thinks I'm trying to let it take x as a value. 但是,如果我以任何方式将那些“”插入公式中,VBA都会认为我试图让它以x为值。

Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? 有谁知道我该如何解决这个问题?

If there is anything else wrong with the code, please tell me too, I'm new to this. 如果代码还有其他问题,也请告诉我,我是新手。

Sub FindExchange()

n = Worksheets.Count
For k = n To 6 Step -1

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets(k)

Dim lColumn As Long
    lColumn = ws.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

For i = lColumn To 1 Step -4

Dim lrow As Long
    lrow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row

x = Cells(1, i).Value

ws.Range(Cells(2, i + 2), Cells(lrow, i + 2)).FormulaLocal = "=vlookup(" & x & ";Sheet1!$B$2:$C$832;2;FALSE)"

Next i
Next k
End Sub


"=vlookup(""" & x & """,Sheet1!$B$2:$C$832,2,FALSE)"
"=vlookup(" & """" & x & """" & ";Sheet1!$B$2:$C$832;2;FALSE)"

to get the double quotes " just add Chr(34) . 获得双引号"只需添加Chr(34)

change your FormulaLocal string to: 将您的FormulaLocal字符串更改为:

"=VLookup(" & chr(34) & x & chr(34) & ";Sheet1!$B$2:$C$832;2;FALSE)"

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