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Laravel route()和url()函数返回错误的子域

[英]Laravel route() and url() functions return wrong subdomain

I'm creating test application with Laravel and Docker. 我正在使用Laravel和Docker创建测试应用程序。


I have 3 Docker containers: one Apache which using ProxyPass selecting one of other two containers and two containers which have Laravel applications. 我有3个Docker容器:一个Apache,使用ProxyPass选择其他两个容器之一,以及两个具有Laravel应用程序的容器。

I have also extra lines in /etc/hosts 我在/etc/hosts也有多余的行        auth.pi        worker.pi

My main (green) Apache's conf file is 我的主要(绿色)Apache的conf文件是

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName auth.pi

    ProxyPass / http://auth:80/

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName worker.pi

    ProxyPass / http://worker:80/

In red's `.env I have 在红色的.env中,我有


But when I used url('/') or route(...) my domain is http://auth/ . 但是当我使用url('/')route(...)我的域名是http://auth/

My red's Apache's conf 我的红色是Apache的conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName auth.pi

    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/public

    <Directory "/var/www/html/public">
        AllowOverride all

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

File docker-compose.yml contains: 文件docker-compose.yml包含:

    build: "./apache"
    container_name: "pi-apache"
      - "auth-apache:auth"
    build: "./applications/auth/apache"
    container_name: "pi-auth-apache"

What I do wrong? 我做错了什么? Why my red's Laravel app thinks that he is http://auth/ not http://auth.pi/ ? 为什么我的红色Laravel应用认为他是http://auth/而不是http://auth.pi/

In blue's app I have same configuration and same issue. 在blue的应用程序中,我具有相同的配置和相同的问题。

The problem is with green's conf 问题是格林的conf

In VirtualHost section I must add VirtualHost部分,我必须添加

RequestHeader set Host "auth.pi"

ProxyPreserveHost On

Final VirtualHost for auth.pi auth.pi最终VirtualHost

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName auth.pi

    RequestHeader set Host "auth.pi"

    ProxyPreserveHost On

    ProxyPass / http://auth:80/

I also added in docker-compose.yml 我还添加了docker-compose.yml

    build: "./applications/auth/apache"
    container_name: "pi-auth-apache"
    domainname: "pi"
    hostname: "auth"

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