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Asp.net Google登录

[英]Asp.net Google Sign In

I'm trying to implement Google Sign In in my ASP.net application. 我正在尝试在ASP.net应用程序中实现Google登录。
I have implemented the javascript code from Integrating Google Sign-In into your web app and that works but I need to store a Google User ID in my Database for identification in future logins. 我已经实现了将Google登录集成到您的网络应用程序中的javascript代码,并且该代码可以运行,但是我需要在数据库中存储一个Google用户ID,以便以后登录时进行识别。

The page states that I shouldn't use the profile.getId but I should send the googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token to the backend and validate this token. 该页面指出,我不应该使用profile.getId但应该将googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token发送到后端并验证此令牌。

Well I've sent this huge bundle of characters to the backend but I can't seem to figure out how to validate this bundle of characters and retrieve a useful identification ID (which should stay the same for a Google User) from this data bundle. 好吧,我已经将大量的字符发送到了后端,但是我似乎无法弄清楚如何验证该字符集并从该数据包中检索有用的标识ID(对于Google用户应保持相同) 。

I've taken a look at: 我看了看:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Google.Apis.Auth.GoogleJsonWebSignature.Payload> Sig = Google.Apis.Auth.GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidateAsync(Request.Form["idToken"], null, true);

But this just hangs in my Page_Load method. 但这只是挂在我的Page_Load方法中。

Has anyone got this working? 有人有这个工作吗?

I'm not sure how you setup your javascript, but the way I have my setup the page already loaded, so I have an API on the backend that receives the token from the client, then do this to get the payload: 我不确定如何设置JavaScript,但是我已经设置了设置页面的方式,因此后端有一个API可以从客户端接收令牌,然后执行以下操作来获取有效负载:

GoogleJsonWebSignature.Payload payload = await GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidateAsync(Token);

The payload will give you all the user's information. 有效负载将为您提供所有用户信息。

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