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[英]Active Record database Organization

I'm creating my first web app as an assignment. 我正在创建我的第一个Web应用程序作为作业。 I am writing my project proposal and part of the proposal is to create a schema. 我正在编写项目建议,该建议的一部分是创建模式。

The app concept is simple, it's creating a workout log, where users can create, edit and delete workouts all kept in an organized log. 该应用程序的概念很简单,它创建了一个锻炼日志,用户可以在其中创建,编辑和删除所有保存在有组织的日志中的锻炼。

I am having trouble thinking about the best way to structure the database so when a user wants to fetch a specific workout, it comes with all exercises and their results. 我在思考构造数据库的最佳方法时遇到了麻烦,因此当用户想要获取特定的锻炼时,它将附带所有锻炼及其结果。

So far I've come up with this layout. 到目前为止,我已经提出了这种布局。 I guess workouts.exercises.results would gather the correct information, but I wanted to know if their was a tidier way to organize this data as it is my first time and I am trying to create this using best practices. 我猜想training.exercises.results会收集正确的信息,但是我想知道它们是否是整理此数据的更简洁的方法,这是我第一次这样做,因此我尝试使用最佳实践来创建它。

workouts 锻炼

column name 栏名

id ID
name 名称
user_id 用户身份
updated_at 的updated_at

exercises 演习

column name 栏名

id ID
name 名称
workout_id workout_id
updated_at 的updated_at

results 结果

column name 栏名

id ID
exercise_id exercise_id
workout_id workout_id
reps 代表
duration 持续时间
updated_at 的updated_at

As per my understanding, Workouts has many exercises , Exercise has one Result . 据我了解, Workouts has many exercisesExercise has one Result

If yes, then you don't need workout id in result table. 如果是,则在结果表中不需要锻炼ID。

For fetching the records by workout , use the following code: 要通过workout获取记录,请使用以下代码:

w = Workout.find(workout_id)
w.exercises.each do |e|
   puts "Exercise=#{e.name} and result = #{e.result}}

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