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[英]VB Show File/Folder Names

I am coding a programm that will run some batch files if they're selected by the user. 我正在编写一个程序,如果用户选择了一些批处理文件,它将运行这些批处理文件。

Each batch has its own folder in a specific "resources" folder. 每个批次在特定的“资源”文件夹中都有自己的文件夹。

I am looping through that folder to create checkboxes and labels. 我正在遍历该文件夹以创建复选框和标签。 Everything's working fine, but I don't want the label to have the whole path - I just want to display the foldername. 一切工作正常,但是我不希望标签具有完整的路径-我只想显示文件夹名称。

CODE : 代码:

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    Dim BatchFolder As IEnumerable = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(appPath & "/resources")
    Dim totalNumber As Integer = Directory.GetDirectories(appPath & "/resources").Length
    Dim i As Integer = 1

    For Each dir As String In BatchFolder
        Dim Label As New Label()
        Label.Name = "Lb_" & dir
        Label.Text = dir & ".bat"
        Label.AutoSize = True
        Label.Visible = True
        Label.Location = New Point(55, 4 + 25 * i)
        Dim CustomCheckbox As New Bunifu.Framework.UI.BunifuCheckbox()
        CustomCheckbox.Visible = True
        CustomCheckbox.Name = "CB_" & dir
        CustomCheckbox.Checked = False
        CustomCheckbox.Location = New Point(35, 25 * i)
        CustomCheckbox.CheckedOnColor = Color.FromArgb(12, 106, 255)
        i = i + 1
    Label21.Text = totalNumber
End Sub

This is how it looks: 它是这样的:


You can do it like this : 您可以这样做:

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim BatchFolder As IEnumerable = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(appPath & "\resources")
    Dim totalNumber As Integer = Directory.GetDirectories(appPath & "\resources").Length
    Dim i As Integer = 1

    For Each dir As String In BatchFolder
        Dim Label As New Label()
        dir = dir.Substring(dir.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
        Label.Name = "Lb_" & dir
        Label.Text = dir & ".bat"
        Label.AutoSize = True
        Label.Visible = True
        Label.Location = New Point(55, 4 + 25 * i)
        Dim CustomCheckbox As New Bunifu.Framework.UI.BunifuCheckbox()
        CustomCheckbox.Visible = True
        CustomCheckbox.Name = "CB_" & dir
        CustomCheckbox.Checked = False
        CustomCheckbox.Location = New Point(35, 25 * i)
        CustomCheckbox.CheckedOnColor = Color.FromArgb(12, 106, 255)
        i = i + 1
    Label21.Text = totalNumber
End Sub

Hope it will help you :) 希望它能对您有所帮助:)


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