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SQL XML插入节点的属性

[英]SQL XML Insert attribute to node

I need to add an attribute tag='plan' to the column tisa_LayoutURL with the node Image. 我需要在带有节点Image的tisa_LayoutURL列中添加一个属性tag ='plan'。 See my query below 请参阅下面的查询

select @xml = 
            SELECT art.tisa_Code AS [@internal-id],
                cla.tisa_image1 AS [image], '',
                cla.tisa_image2 AS [image], '',
                cla.tisa_image3 AS [image], '',
                cla.tisa_image4 AS [image], '',
                art.tisa_LayoutUrl AS [image],
                addr.tisa_Description AS [description]
    FROM tisa_article art JOIN 
         tisa_Address addr ON addr.tisa_AddressId = art.tisa_AddressId JOIN
         tisa_Classifier cla ON cla.tisa_classifierid = addr.tisa_classifierid 
         Account Acc ON Acc.AccountId=cla.tisa_vendorid
    FOR XML PATH('offer'), root('realty-feed'))

I need to obtain the following: 我需要获得以下内容:

<image tag="plan">xxxx4.jpg</image>

how can i modify my query to achieve that? 我如何修改我的查询以实现这一目标?

Replace the line 更换线

art.tisa_LayoutUrl AS [image],

with: 有:

'plan' AS "image/@tag",
art.tisa_LayoutUrl AS [image], 

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