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MongoDB $ lookup查询返回空字段

[英]MongoDB $lookup query returning empty field

There are two collections in my database, Projects and Tasks . 我的数据库中有两个集合: ProjectsTasks Each project can have a number of tasks associated to it. 每个项目可以有许多与之相关的任务。 I am trying to create a MongoDB query in Java that will return a Task and also embed the Project that is linked to it, however the code I have completed so far only returns an empty array (I have named this something which appears as [] below). 我试图在Java中创建MongoDB的查询将返回一个Task ,并且还嵌入Project链接到它,但我迄今只完成了代码返回一个空数组(我命名这个something它显示为[]下面)。

Unfortunately I have not found many examples on how to properly use $lookup in Java. 不幸的是,我没有找到许多有关如何在Java中正确使用$lookup示例。 What changes do I need to perform on the code so the something field comes back with a project ? 我需要什么样的变化,因此对代码进行something外地回来了project Should I be using $lookup or another aggregation operator? 我应该使用$lookup还是其他聚合运算符?

The Java method I am using with mongo-java-driver version 3.5.0: 我在mongo-java-driver版本3.5.0中使用的Java方法:

public static String readTask()
    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
    MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("exampleDatabase");

    Bson lookup = new Document("$lookup",
            new Document("from", "Project")
                    .append("localField", "project._id")
                    .append("foreignField", "_id")
                    .append("as", "something"));

    List<Bson> filters = new ArrayList<>();

    AggregateIterable<Document> it = database.getCollection("Task").aggregate(filters);
    System.out.println("First Document: " + it.first().toString());

    return it.first().toString();

This method currently returns the following: 该方法当前返回以下内容:

    _id = 599a62cac29d9a2684c64012,
    constructionRoomNumber = 15,
    type = Example,
    summary = Summary Text,
    description = Description Text,
    status = Open,
    project = {
        "$ref": "Project",
        "$id": "5996582a0983347784fb2ff4"
    something = []

Expected Result: 预期结果:

    _id: ObjectId('599a62cac29d9a2684c64012')
    constructionRoomNumber: "15"
    type: "Example"
    summary: "Summary Text"
    description: "Description Text"
    status: "Open"
    project: {
        _id: ObjectId('5996582a0983347784fb2ff4')
        projectCode: "V1000"
        projectName: "Example Project"
        projectLocation: "1 Somewhere Street, Some City"
        clientName: "Whatever Client"
        isActive: true

Here is an example of what the data stored in MongoDB looks like: 以下是存储在MongoDB中的数据的示例:

Example Project: 示例项目:

_id: ObjectId('5996582a0983347784fb2ff4')
projectCode: "V1000"
projectName: "Example Project"
projectLocation: "1 Somewhere Street, Some City"
clientName: "Whatever Client"
isActive: true

Example Task: 示例任务:

_id: ObjectId('599a62cac29d9a2684c64012')
constructionRoomNumber: "15"
type: "Example"
summary: "Summary Text"
description: "Description Text"
status: "Open"
project: DBRef(Project, 5996582a0983347784fb2ff4, undefined)

You are trying a lookup on a DBRef field, which is not supported. 您正在尝试在不支持的DBRef字段上进行查找。

However, there is a workaround to transform DBRefs into simple ObjectId that I have detailed on a different answer , you can adapt it in Java or use it in a native query. 但是,有一种解决方法可以将DBRef转换为简单的ObjectId,我已经在另一个答案中进行了详细介绍 ,您可以在Java中对其进行改编或在本机查询中使用它。

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