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[英]Chrome annoyingly opens a corresponding line in main.bundle.ts every time I add a breakpoint in a .ts file

I'm developing an Angular (v4.3.5) SPA, serving it with Angular CLI's ng serve command and debugging it through Chrome Developer Tools. 我正在开发一个Angular(v4.3.5)SPA,使用Angular CLI的ng serve命令并通过Chrome Developer Tools进行调试。 Last week something strange started to happen and I can't seem to do anything to change it to the way it was before: in Chrome Dev Tools, when I click on the line number to add a breakpoint in my .ts files, Chrome Dev Tools also open the corresponding line in main.bundle.ts , so now every single time I add a breakpoint I have to close main.bundle.ts or click back on the title of .ts file. 上周发生了一些奇怪的事情,我似乎无法做任何事情来改变它以前的方式:在Chrome开发工具中,当我点击行号在我的.ts文件中添加一个断点时,Chrome Dev工具也打开main.bundle.ts的相应行,所以现在每次添加断点我都要关闭main.bundle.ts或者单击.ts文件的标题。 It's very annoying. 这很烦人。 Is there a new change in default settings or something? 默认设置有什么新变化吗? Because I couldn't find anything related to that (although I'm not even sure how to google this issue...) 因为我找不到任何相关的东西(虽然我甚至不确定如何谷歌这个问题...)

So my question is: what can I do to force Chrome not to open main.bundle.ts every time I add a breakpoint? 所以我的问题是:每次添加断点时,我该怎么做才能强制Chrome不要打开main.bundle.ts

EDIT: I just found out this issue happens only when I run ng serve from Visual Studio Code terminal. 编辑:我刚刚发现这个问题只有在我从Visual Studio Code终端运行ng serve时才会发生。

This worked for me (chromeDevTools): 这对我有用(chromeDevTools):

Map webpack://./ to / in your project workspace 地图webpack://.//在你的项目工作区


看起来这是一个Chrome错误 - 将其更新到版本61.0.3163.79解决了我的问题。

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