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[英]VBA to copy width of the columns

The VBA code below copies the data from a source data sheet and pastes it onto a specific sheet.下面的 VBA 代码从源数据表复制数据并将其粘贴到特定表上。 However, I need it to also paste the width of the columns on the source data sheet.但是,我还需要它来粘贴源数据表上的列宽。 Would that be possible?那可能吗? thanks for any help.感谢您的帮助。

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim tableName As String
Dim tableRange As Range
Dim TypeOfCosts As String
Application.EnableEvents = False

If Range("X1").Text = "aaaa" Then
    TypeOfCosts = "_bbbb"
ElseIf Range("L3") = "cccc" Then
    TypeOfCosts = "_dddd"
    TypeOfCosts = ""
End If

tableName = Range("Y1").Text & TypeOfCosts & "_Costs"

On Error Resume Next
Set tableRange = Application.Range(tableName)
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Names.Count
    If Not (tableRange Is Nothing) And Err = 0 Then
    Range("K9").Resize(10000, 10000).ClearContents
    Range("K9").Resize(10000, 10000).ClearFormats
    tableRange.Copy Destination:=Range("M8")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

If your code is executing as desired then instead of如果您的代码按需要执行,则代替

tableRange.Copy Destination:=Range("M8")

you may write你可以写

With Range("M8")
    .PasteSpecial xlPasteColumnWidths
    .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, , False, False
    .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats, , False, False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With

tableRange.Copy Destination:=Range("M8") is best practive, it will skip the clipboard that can mess up stuff. tableRange.Copy Destination:=Range("M8") 是最好的做法,它会跳过可能弄乱东西的剪贴板。 So you should keep the approach.所以你应该保持这种方法。 I will rather use an interator for copyrange column widths and set them if they are different.我宁愿使用一个 interator 来复制范围列宽,如果它们不同,则设置它们。 See below an extract from my library that clones a sheet data and shapes to another without actually breaking references (using clear) and without using the copy buffer that might fail in large sheets.请参阅我的库中的摘录,该摘录将工作表数据和形状克隆到另一个而不实际破坏引用(使用清除),并且不使用可能在大工作表中失败的复制缓冲区。

' clear all Shapes
For Each varShape In shtNewSheet.Shapes
    'console varShape.Name

' clear all Cells
With shtNewSheet.UsedRange
    ' first clear data from current sheet
    ' copy new data and shapes
    shtPrevSheet.UsedRange.Copy shtNewSheet.UsedRange.Cells(1)
    ' as with all things excel, going bakwards actually works
    ' set columns widths
    For i = .Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
        If .Columns(i).ColumnWidth <> shtPrevSheet.Columns(i).ColumnWidth Then
            .Columns(i).ColumnWidth = shtPrevSheet.Columns(i).ColumnWidth
        End If
    ' optional set rows heights
    For i = .Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
        If .Rows(i).RowHeight <> shtPrevSheet.Rows(i).RowHeight Then
            .Rows(i).RowHeight = shtPrevSheet.Rows(i).RowHeight
        End If
    ' this to reset the selection and move to top page, kind of not really necessary
    shtPrevSheet.Cells(1, 1).Copy shtNewSheet.Cells(1, 1)
End With

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