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[英]Report viewer for crystal report in MVC


No. Crystal reports is not supported in ASP.net MVC. 否。ASP.netMVC不支持Crystal报表。 You have to use Web forms. 您必须使用Web表单。 However, if you absolutely have to, you can combine both approaches, by using controllers for collecting parameters and getting the best of MVC, and then serve the report page (.aspx) either with an embedded iFrame, or redirecting to the report. 但是,如果绝对需要,则可以通过使用控制器收集参数并获取最佳MVC的方法来结合这两种方法,然后使用嵌入式iFrame或重定向到报表来提供报表页面(.aspx)。

Web forms supports friendly URLs to serve pages without extensions, so this can "mordernise" your implementation and keep the entire application consistent. Web表单支持友好的URL来提供不带扩展名的页面,因此这可以使您的实现“混乱”,并使整个应用程序保持一致。

SAP publishes information on installing the prerequisites and the API guide . SAP会发布有关安装必备组件API指南的信息

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