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[英]LinkedList in C error

I am attempting to write a LinkedList in C. Here are my two structs 我正在尝试用C语言编写一个LinkedList。这是我的两个结构

struct node{
  int key;
  int value;
  struct node *next;

struct LinkedList {
  struct node *head;

And here is how I create a new node. 这就是我创建新节点的方法。

void createNode(int key, int value) {
  struct node *new_node;
  new_node->key = key;
  new_node->value = value;
  new_node->next = lList->head;
  lList->head = new_node;

I am trying to traverse through the LinkedList using the function below. 我正在尝试使用下面的函数遍历LinkedList。

void traverseNode(struct LinkedList *lList) {
  struct node current = *lList->head;
  while(current != NULL) {
    printf("%i", current->key);
    current = current->next;

However, I keep getting an error saying 但是,我不断收到错误消息

invalid operands to binary expression ('struct node'
      and 'void *')

in relation to my while expression. 关于我的while表达。

Also, I get an error for the 此外,我也收到了一个错误

printf("%i", current->key);
current = current->next

with the error being 错误是

member reference type 'struct node' is not a pointer; 成员引用类型“结构节点”不是指针; maybe you meant to use '.' 也许您打算使用'。

I am confused because I thought in my node struct, the *next was defined as a pointer and could therefore be accessed only using the indirection(->) syntax. 我很困惑,因为我认为在我的节点结构中, *next被定义为指针,因此只能使用indirection(->)语法进行访问。

I am a beginner to pointers, so any help is appreciated. 我是指针的初学者,因此可以提供任何帮助。

You cant compare NULL with non-pointer type. 您不能将NULL与非指针类型进行比较。

Declare variable current as pointer + remove dereference of head and it will compile 将变量current声明为指针+删除head取消引用,它将进行编译

struct node * current = lList->head;
            ^          ^
while(current != NULL)  // Now you can compare them

You are getting SEGFAULT because you are dereferencing uninitialized pointer. 之所以得到SEGFAULT,是因为您取消引用了未初始化的指针。 Allocate enough memory on heap (dynamic storage duration). 在堆上分配足够的内存(动态存储持续时间)。

struct node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

Since current is pointer 由于current是指针

printf("%i", current->key);
current = current->next;

should be OK now. 现在应该可以了。

As the error states current is a structure, not the pointer 由于错误指出当前是一种结构,而不是指针

change it to struct node *current = lList -> head; 将其更改为struct node *current = lList -> head;

remember that pointer itself does not have the storage for the referenced object 记住指针本身没有被引用对象的存储

printf("%i", current->key);
current = current->next;
} while(current != NULL)

doing this instead will check if your on the last node by seeing if the next node is null rather than the whole structure 而是通过查看下一个节点是否为空而不是整个结构来检查您是否在最后一个节点上

void createNode(int key, int value) {
  struct node *new_node; // you need to malloc here
  new_node->key = key;
  new_node->value = value;
  new_node->next = lList->head;
  lList->head = new_node;

You must malloc before access a pointer. 您必须先malloc才能访问指针。

struct node *new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

Also change like, 也变像

struct node current = *lList->head;

into, 进入

struct node *current = *lList->head;

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