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[英]Passing variable from one js to another js file in nodejs

I'm just getting started with Nodejs, so please bear with me 我刚刚开始使用Nodejs,所以请多多包涵

I store my DB setting on the first JS, connect.js : 我将数据库设置存储在第一个JS connect.js

var mysql = require('mysql');

module.exports = function(connectDB) {
  var connectDB = {};

  connectDB.connection = mysql.createConnection({
    //db params

  connectDB.connection.connect(function(err) {
    if (err) {
      console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack);

    console.log('connected as id ' + connection.threadId);

return connectDB;

Then I stored my query in another JS file, lets call it dbManager.js : 然后,我将查询存储在另一个JS文件中,将其dbManager.js

var db = require('./connect')(connectDB);

var test_connection = connectDB.connection.query('SELECT * FROM `test`', function (error, results, fields) {

exports.test = test_connection;

My goal is to pass the connection variable from connect.js to dbManager.js , so I could use it for running some queries. 我的目标是将connection变量从connect.js传递给dbManager.js ,因此我可以使用它来运行一些查询。

The above code return an error, which said the variable is not passed successfully to dbManager.js : 上面的代码返回一个错误,该错误表示该变量未成功传递给dbManager.js

ReferenceError: connectDB is not defined

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

The syntax error is because you cant define variables within an object literal using var . 语法错误是因为您无法使用var在对象文字中定义变量。

eg, you can't do the following, 例如,您不能执行以下操作,

var t = {
    "r": 4,
    var g = 5;

You can do this, 你可以这样做,

var t = {
    "r": 4,
    "g" : 5

And to access the properties of the object you can do, 要访问您可以执行的对象的属性,


In your code the problem is declaring a variable inside an object literal. 在您的代码中,问题是在对象文字内声明了一个变量。 Yo could do, could可以做的

var connectDB = {};
connectDB.connection = mysql.createConnection({
  //DB params
connectDB.connection.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack);

  console.log('connected as id ' + connectDB.connection.threadId);

return connectDB;

Edit1 As per OP's comments, Edit1根据OP的评论,

connect.js:- Changes- No need of the connectDB param, using module.exports functionality. connect.js:-更改-使用module.exports功能不需要connectDB参数。

  var mysql = require('mysql');
  var connectDB = {};

  connectDB.connection = mysql.createConnection({
    //db params

  connectDB.connection.connect(function(err) {
    if (err) {
      console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack);

    console.log('connected as id ' + connectDB.connection.threadId);

module.exports = connectDB;

dbManager.js:- dbManager.js:-

var db = require('./connect');//removed the parameter
//use db variable to process queries as returned from the above require statement.
var test_connection = db.connection.query('SELECT * FROM `test`', function (error, results, fields) {

exports.test = test_connection;
         **you can do it like this

         var mysql=require('mysql');
         // Database Connection
         var connection = mysql.createConnection({
              host     : hostname,
              user     :username,
              password : password,
              database : databasename,
         try {

             } catch(e) {
                  console.log('Database Connetion failed:' + e);


       **you can use this connection file in your dbmanager file like 

         var db = require('./connection.js');var test_connection = 
               connection.query('SELECT * FROM test', function(err,result) { 

Will something like this work for you? 这样的事情对您有用吗? You can have a file that returns a connection object from the pool: 您可以拥有一个从池中返回连接对象的文件:

var mysql = require('mysql');

module.exports = function() {
    var dbConfig = {...};
    var database = mysql.createPool(dbConfig);

    return {
        getConnection: function(callback) {
            // callback(error, connection)

Wherever you need to use it, you can require it as follows: 无论何时需要使用它,都可以按以下要求进行使用:

var connector = require('./db-connector')();

Then use it like this: 然后像这样使用它:

connector.getConnection(function(error, connection) {
    // Some code...

    // Be sure to release the connection once you're done

This is how I store config data to pass around on my node server. 这就是我存储配置数据以在节点服务器上传递的方式。 I call it config.js and .gitignore it. 我称之为config.js和.gitignore。 I keep a sample copy called config.sample.js 我保留了一个名为config.sample.js的样本副本

let config = {};
config.mysql-host='localhost' || process.env.MYSQL_HOST;
config.mysql-user='me' || process.env.MYSQL_USER;
config.mysql-secret='secret' || process.env.MYSQL_SECRET;
config.mysql-database='my_db' || process.env.MYSQL_DB;
module.exports = config; //important you don't have access to config without this line.

To use it I would do the following. 要使用它,我将执行以下操作。

const config = require('./config');
const mysql = require('mysql');

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: config.host,
user: config.user,
password: config.password,


connection.connect((err) => {
  if(err) {
  console.error(`error connecting: ${err.stack});

const test_connection = connectDB.connection.query('SELECT * FROM `test`'(error, results, fields) => {

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