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[英]read multiple excel sheet selenium-webdriver, java, eclipse

I want to run selenium-webdriver-java-eclipse , using excel file contains multiple excel sheets with different name(sheet1,sheet2,sheet3,...), i need a for loop help me to do that and read from this sheets. 我想运行selenium-webdriver-java-eclipse ,使用excel文件包含多个具有不同名称(sheet1,sheet2,sheet3,...)的Excel工作表,我需要一个for循环来帮助我做到这一点并从此工作表中读取。 public class ExcelDataConfig { 公共类ExcelDataConfig {

XSSFWorkbook wb;
XSSFSheet sheet = null;

public ExcelDataConfig(String Excelpath) throws IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    try {
        File file = new File(Excelpath);

        // Create an object of FileInputStream class to read excel file

        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
        wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);

    } catch (Exception e) {


public String GetData(int sheetNumber, int Row, int Column) {

    Iterator<Row> rowIt=sheet.rowIterator();

    DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
    XSSFCell cell = sheet.getRow(Row).getCell(Column);

    String data = formatter.formatCellValue(cell);
    return data;

public int GetRowCount(String sheetNumber) {

    int row = wb.getSheet(sheetNumber).getLastRowNum();

    row = row + 1;

    return row;


} }

try something like this, it is working for me you need to add the sheet numbers and cell numbers at the places of k and j 尝试这样的事情,它对我有用,您需要在k和j的位置添加工作表编号和单元格编号

enter code here

    String filePath="C:\\Users\\USER\\Desktop\\Book1.xlsx";// file path
    FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(filePath);
    Workbook wb=WorkbookFactory.create(fis);
    ArrayList<String> ls=new ArrayList<String>();
    for(int k=0; k<=3;k++)//k =sheet no
        Sheet sh=wb.getSheetAt(k);
//      int count=0;
        for(int i=0;i<=sh.getLastRowNum();i++)
            System.out.println("row no:"+i);
            for(int j=0; j<=4;j++)//j=column no
                try {
                 String values=sh.getRow(i).getCell(j).getStringCellValue().trim();

//condetions // condetions

                /* if(values.contains("condtn1"))
                        System.out.println("Value of cell "+values+" ith row "+(i+1));
                        System.out.println("Value of cell "+values+" ith row "+(i+1));
                 }catch(Exception e){





} }

Please try writing similar to something like this: 请尝试编写类似于以下内容的内容:

for (int i = startRow; i < endRow + 1; i++) {
                for (int j = startCol; j < endCol + 1; j++) {
                    testData[i - startRow][j - startCol] = ExcelWSheet.getRow(i).getCell(j).getStringCellValue();
                    Cell cell = ExcelWSheet.getRow(i).getCell(j);
                    testData[i - startRow][j - startCol] = formatter.formatCellValue(cell);

Terms used in method are pretty self explanatory. 方法中使用的术语很容易解释。 Let us know if you get stuck or need more info. 让我们知道您是否遇到困难或需要更多信息。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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