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[英]How to render image inside a form in drupal

I've try to render an image inside the form but still doesnt render anything 我尝试在表单内渲染图像,但仍然不渲染任何内容

Here's custom module 这是自定义模块

$image_options = array(
    'path' => 'http://novelplanet.com/Content/images/noImage.jpg', 
    'alt' => 'Test alt',
    'title' => 'Test title',
    'width' => '50%',
    'height' => '50%',
    'attributes' => array('class' => 'image', 'id' => 'my-img'),

    $image = theme('image', $image_options);

    $form['y']['image_div'] = array(
      '#prefix' => '<div class="image">',
      '#suffix' => '</div>',
      '#markup' => $image,

in my tpl 在我的tpl中

<?php print drupal_render($form['y']['image_div']); ?>

How do I render image inside the form.inc drupal 6 我如何在form.inc drupal 6内部渲染图像

Use the theme method as follows: 使用主题方法,如下所示:

theme('image', $path, $alt = '', $title = '', $attributes = NULL, 
       $getsize = TRUE);

you can also use 你也可以使用

theme('imagecache', $presetname, $path, $alt = '', $title = '',
       $attributes = NULL, $getsize = TRUE);

if you use the ImageCache module. 如果使用ImageCache模块。

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