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使用 Swift 3 检查 iOS 中 API 的响应时间?

[英]Checking response Time of API in iOS using Swift 3?

I know to test the response time of API is basically done by Server or Backend side, but as i am working for one application, i need to check api response time from iOS End also.我知道测试 API 的响应时间基本上是由服务器端或后端完成的,但是当我正在为一个应用程序工作时,我还需要从 iOS 端检查 api 响应时间。

How can i do this?我怎样才能做到这一点? i read few links where it says to do this using timer start and timer end and then find the response time by endTime - startTime but this seems not handy.我读了几个链接,它说使用计时器开始和计时器结束来执行此操作,然后通过endTime - startTime找到响应时间,但这似乎并不方便。

I want to use Xcode (even if XCTest is there).我想使用 Xcode (即使 XCTest 在那里)。

Here is my one of API ( i wrote all web service consume method in separate class in ApiManager class ):这是我的 API 之一(我在 ApiManager ZA2F2ED4F8EBC2CBBD4C21 中的单独 class 中编写了所有 web 服务消耗方法):

LoginVC :登录VC

//Call Webservice
let apiManager      = ApiManager()
apiManager.delegate = self

ApiManager :接口管理器

func getUserInfoAPI()  {
    let headers =       [
        "Accept"        : "application/json",
        "Content-Type"  : "application/json",

    //Call Web API using Alamofire library
    Alamofire.request(HCConstants.URL, method: .post, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseJSON {  response in

            //Checking For Error
            if let error = response.result.error {
                //Stop AcitivityIndicator
                //Call failure delegate method

            //Store Response
            let responseValue = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: response.data!, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions()) as! Dictionary<String, AnyObject>

            //Save token 
            if let mEmail = responseValue[HCConstants.Email] as? String {
                UserDefaults.standard.setValue(mEmail, forKey: HCConstants. mEmail)

            //Stop AcitivityIndicator
            //Check Success Flag
            if let _ = responseValue["info"] as? String {
                //Call success delegate method
            else {
                //Failure message
                self.delegate?.APIFailureResponse(responseValue["message"] as? String ?? HCConstants.EXCEPTION_MESSAGES.SERVICE_FAILURE)

        } catch {print("Exception is there "}

There's no need for a Timer , you can just use Date objects. 不需要Timer ,只需使用Date对象即可。 You should create a Date object representing the current date at the time of starting your API request and in the completionHandler of your API request, use Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate) to calculate the number of seconds that passed. 您应该创建一个Date对象,表示启动API请求时的当前日期,并在API请求的completionHandler中,使用Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate)来计算传递的秒数。

Assuming you have a function for your requests that is returning a closure as a completion handler, this is how you can measure its execution time: 假设您有一个函数用于将闭包作为完成处理程序返回的请求,这就是您可以测量其执行时间的方法:

let startDate = Date()
callMyAPI(completion: { returnValue in
    let executionTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate)

Xcode itself doesn't have any profiling tools, but you can use Time Profiler in Instruments, however, I am not sure if would give the correct results for asynchronous functions. Xcode本身没有任何分析工具,但你可以在Instruments中使用Time Profiler,但是,我不确定是否能为异步函数提供正确的结果。

Solution for your specific function: you can save the startDate right after the function call. 特定功能的解决方案:您可以在函数调用后立即保存startDate Then you can measure the execution time in several places (included each): right after the network request finishes (at the beginning of the completion handler) and in each if statement right before your delegate method is called. 然后,您可以在多个位置(包括每个位置)测量执行时间:在网络请求完成后(在完成处理程序的开头)和调用委托方法之前的每个if statement

func getUserInfoAPI()  {
    let startDate = Date()
    Alamofire.request(HCConstants.URL, method: .post, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseJSON {  response in
        //calculate the time here if you only care about the time taken for the network request
        let requestExecutionTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate)
            if let error = response.result.error {
                let executionTimeWithError = Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate)

            //Store Response
            //Check Success Flag
            if let _ = responseValue["info"] as? String {
                //Call success delegate method
                let executionTimeWithSuccess = Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate)
            else {
                //Failure message
                let executionTimeWithFailure = Date().timeIntervalSince(date: startDate)
                self.delegate?.APIFailureResponse(responseValue["message"] as? String ?? HCConstants.EXCEPTION_MESSAGES.SERVICE_FAILURE)
        } catch {print("Exception is there "}



response.metrics?.taskInterval.duration is the updated answer. response.metrics?.taskInterval.duration是更新的答案。

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