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尝试编辑“ React Native init”文件结构

[英]Trying to edit “React Native init” file structure

I have been trying to get my head around React Native as I recently took the decision to switch to it from Cordova. 最近,我决定从Cordova切换到React Native时,我一直在努力使自己了解React Native。

I have been trying to understand how container and component files should be properly structured inside src in order to correctly build. 我一直试图了解如何正确地在src内部构造容器和组件文件,以便正确构建。

To this end I have been attempting to run the initial index.android.js code out of a new file "app.js" which I have created in a folder I called js found in the original /src/main folder. 为此,我一直试图从新文件“ app.js”中运行初始的index.android.js代码,该文件是在我在原始/ src / main文件夹中找到的js文件夹中创建的。

This is the index file code 这是索引文件代码

/*Both index files index.ios.js and index.android.js MUST be indentical*/
var React= require('react-native');
var { AppRegistry } = React;
var App = require('./android/app/src/main/js/app.js')
AppRegistry.registerComponent('LearnD', () => LearnD);

And the app.js file can be found at this gist here . 并且app.js文件可以在这里找到。

I have been then receiving the following error: 然后,我一直收到以下错误: 错误

Any help will be more than appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thanks in advance, Jake. 预先感谢杰克。

A typical setup for a React Native application looks something like: React Native应用程序的典型设置如下所示:

└── YourApp
    ├── android           # Native Android files, no .js here
    ├── index.android.js  # Android entry point, must exist
    ├── index.ios.js      # iOS entry point, must exist
    ├── ios               # Native iOS files, no .js here
    └── src               # All your .js sources
        ├── components    # All your .js sources
        └── main.js       # Your shared entry point

Your src/main.js can then export a single, shared entry point component for both platforms and uses other components inside the src/ directory: 然后,您的src/main.js可以为两个平台导出一个共享的入口点组件,并在src/目录中使用其他组件:

// src/main.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import OtherComponent from './components/other-component.js'

// note export default
export default class Main extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <OtherComponent />

And your index.ios.js and index.android.js components can import and register the main component as the application root component: 您的index.ios.jsindex.android.js组件可以导入主组件并将其注册为应用程序根组件:

// index.ios.js and index.android.js
// both must exist, but they can be identical
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import Main from './src/main';

AppRegistry.registerComponent('YourApp', () => Main);

Within the src directory, you can then structure your app code in any way you best see fit, eg src/components and src/containers - entirely up to you! 然后,在src目录中,您可以按照自己认为合适的任何方式来构建应用代码,例如src/componentssrc/containers完全由您决定!

Your file is trying to export App on line 48, which does not exist. 您的文件正在尝试导出不存在的第48行上的App You already have export default class LearnD on line 10, so omit line 48 and that should help 您已经在第10行上export default class LearnD ,因此省略第48行,应该会有所帮助

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