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[英]“'length' in Object(obj)” How does it work in js?

'length' in Object(obj)

How does the above statement works in JavaScript? 上面的语句如何在JavaScript中起作用?

I have found the below JavaScript statement in angular.js lib 我在angular.js lib中找到了以下JavaScript语句

var length = 'length' in Object(obj) && obj.length;

Object(...) converts primitives to object structure. Object(...)将基元转换为对象结构。 Examples: 例子:

Object(null) // {}
Object(undefined) // {}
Object(10) // Number {[[PrimitiveValue]]: 10}

If you type 'length' in 10 it will throw an error, but 'length' in Object(10) will not (returns false and blocks next statement, which would throw an error if obj has a primitive value). 如果'length' in 10键入'length' in 10则将引发错误,但是'length' in Object(10)将不会(返回false并阻止下一条语句,如果obj具有原始值,则将引发错误)。

Your code checks if obj variable is an array or array-like object (has length property). 您的代码检查obj变量是数组还是类似数组的对象(具有length属性)。

More about Object and in operator . 有关对象in运算符的更多信息。

That will check whether the property length exists in Object(obj) or not 这将检查属性length是否存在于Object(obj)

I guess that is to differentiate between Array and Object. 我想这是要区分数组和对象。

Because Object doesn't have the property length so it will false for Object. 因为Object没有属性length所以对于Object它将为false。

 var a = { name: "abc", age: "34" }; var l = 'length' in Object(a) && a.length; console.log(l); 

But array have the property length and it will return the length of the array. 但是array具有length属性,它将返回数组的长度。

 var b = [34, 54, 65]; var ll = 'length' in Object(b) && b.length; console.log(ll); 

When we type checking them, both are same. 当我们键入检查它们时,两者是相同的。

 var a = []; var b = {}; console.log(typeof a, typeof b); 

There are other methods to differentiate Array and Object too. 还有其他区分数组和对象的方法。

Using Array.isArray 使用Array.isArray

 var a = []; var b = {}; console.log(Array.isArray(a)); console.log(Array.isArray(b)); 

   var length = Object.keys(myArray).length;

Or 要么

Universal function:- 通用功能:-

 var objSize = function(obj) { var count = 0; if (typeof obj == "object") { if (Object.keys) { count = Object.keys(obj).length; } else if (window._) { count = _.keys(obj).length; } else if (window.$) { count = $.map(obj, function() { return 1; }).length; } else { for (var key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) count++; } } return count; }; document.write(objSize({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 })); 

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