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[英]Using Texture (AsyncDisplayKit) in Swift, How do i prevent a flicker when I scroll past the bottom of the last ASCellNode in an ASTableNode?

Using Texture (AsyncDisplayKit) in Swift, How do i prevent a flicker when I scroll past the bottom of the last ASCellNode in an ASTableNode? 在Swift中使用Texture(AsyncDisplayKit),当我滚动经过ASTableNode中最后一个ASCellNode的底部时,如何防止闪烁?

In my implementation, I found one issue. 在我的实现中,我发现了一个问题。 I am not overriding the UIScrollViewDelegate, and if I scroll past the bottom of the last cell, the content seems to jump even higher then I have stretched it before animating back to being level with the bottom inset. 我没有覆盖UIScrollViewDelegate,并且如果滚动到最后一个单元格的底部,则内容似乎跳得更高,然后我将其拉伸,然后使其动画回到底部插图的水平。 Is this a known issue, or is there some option that may prevent this? 这是一个已知问题,还是有某些选项可以防止这种情况发生?

Using a single ASTableNode with 4 vertical nodes that just over 2 of display on the screen at once. 使用具有四个垂直节点的单个ASTableNode,该节点一次在屏幕上显示2个以上。

The jump y distance seems to be somewhere around 1/5 of the distance that I scroll past the bottom. y的跳跃距离似乎是我滚动越过底部的距离的1/5左右。 So even on the slightest pull up if I let go it has a mini flicker. 因此,即使我稍稍松了一下,它也会产生微小的闪烁。

Any help will be greatly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

func shouldBatchFetch(for tableNode: ASTableNode) -> Bool {
    return false

This fixed my issue. 这解决了我的问题。

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