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[英]How to show custom application metrics in Prometheus captured using the golang client library from all pods running in Kubernetes

I am trying to get some custom application metrics captured in golang using the prometheus client library to show up in Prometheus. 我正在尝试使用prometheus客户端库在golang中捕获一些自定义应用程序指标,以显示在Prometheus中。

I have the following working: 我有以下工作:

 apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: my-app-pod labels: zone: prod version: v1 annotations: prometheus.io/scrape: 'true' prometheus.io/port: '8080' spec: containers: - name: my-container image: name/my-app:latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 8080 
  • If I connect to my pod using: 如果我使用以下方法连接到吊舱:

kubectl exec -it my-app-pod -- /bin/bash kubectl exec -it my-app-pod-/ bin / bash

then do wget on "localhost:8080/metrics", I can see my metrics 然后在“ localhost:8080 / metrics”上执行wget,我可以看到我的指标

So far so good, here is where I am hitting a wall. 到目前为止一切顺利,这是我碰壁的地方。 I could have multiple pods running this same image. 我可以让多个Pod运行同一张图片。 I want to expose all the images to prometheus as targets. 我想将所有图像公开给普罗米修斯作为目标。 How do I configure my pods so that they show up in prometheus so I can report on my custom metrics? 如何配置我的广告连播,使其以普罗米修斯的形式出现,以便我可以报告自定义指标?

Thanks for any help offered! 感谢您提供的任何帮助!

The kubernetes_sd_config directive can be used to discover all pods with a given tag. kubernetes_sd_config指令可用于发现具有给定标签的所有Pod。 Your Prometheus.yml config file should have something like so: - job_name: 'some-app' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app] regex: python-app action: keep 您的Prometheus.yml配置文件应具有以下内容: - job_name: 'some-app' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app] regex: python-app action: keep

The source label [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app] is basically using the Kubernetes api to look at pods that have a label of 'app' and whose value is captured by the regex expression, given on the line below (in this case, matching 'python-app'). 源标签[__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app]基本上是使用Kubernetes api来查看具有标签“ app”且其值由正则表达式表达式捕获的Pod,在下一行给出(在本例中,匹配“ python-app” )。

Once you've done this Prometheus will automatically discover the pods you want and start scraping the metrics from your app. 完成此操作后,Prometheus将自动发现所需的Pod,并开始从您的应用程序中收集指标。

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。 You can follow blog post here for more detail. 您可以在此处关注博客文章以获取更多详细信息。

Note: it is worth mentioning that at the time of writing, kubernetes_sd_config is still in beta. 注意:值得一提的是,在编写本文时,kubernetes_sd_config仍处于beta中。 Thus breaking changes to configuration may occur in future releases. 因此,将来的发行版中可能会发生对配置的重大更改。

Can you share the prometheus config that you are using to scrape the metrics. 您能否共享用于刮擦度量标准的prometheus配置。 The config will control what all sources to scrape the metrics from. 该配置将控制从哪些来源中获取指标。 Here are a few links that you can refer to : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/prometheus-users/Application $20metrics$20monitoring$20of$20Kubernetes$20Pods%7Csort:relevance/prometheus-users/uNPl4nJX9yk/cSKEBqJlBwAJ 您可以参考以下几个链接: https ://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/prometheus-users/Application $ 20metrics $ 20monitoring $ 20of $ 20Kubernetes $ 20Pods%7Csort:relevance / prometheus-users / uNPl4nJX9yk / cSKEBqJlBwAJ

You need 2 things: 您需要两件事:

  • a ServiceMonitor for the Prometheus Operator, which specifies which services will be scraped for metrics 一个用于Prometheus运营商的ServiceMonitor,它指定将为标准刮取哪些服务
  • a Service which matches the ServiceMonitor and points to your pods 与ServiceMonitor匹配并指向您的广告连播的服务

There is an example in the docs over here: https://coreos.com/operators/prometheus/docs/latest/user-guides/running-exporters.html 此处的文档中有一个示例: https : //coreos.com/operators/prometheus/docs/latest/user-guides/running-exporters.html

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