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[英]Execute a line in vimrc at the end

I want to set textwidth to 50 when a file in the form jrnl*.txt is detected. 当检测到jrnl*.txt格式的文件时,我想将textwidth设置为50。 So, I tried to put the following line into an empty ~/.vim/vimrc file: 因此,我尝试~/.vim/vimrc下行放入一个空的~/.vim/vimrc文件中:

au BufRead,BufNewFile jrnl*.txt set fo+=t tw=50

And it works correctly. 而且它可以正常工作。

However, I'm using now Vim-Boostrap , which is a vimrc generator with a lot of plugins. 但是,我现在使用的是Vim-Boostrap ,这是一个带很多插件的vimrc生成器。

I have tried to write my code at the end of the new vimrc but when I a run vim, textwidth is equal to 0 . 我试图在新vimrc的末尾编写代码,但是当我运行vim时, textwidth等于0 If I launch :scriptnames I see a lot of scripts that are executed after my code, therefore I suppose textwidth is overwritten. 如果启动:scriptnames我会在代码后看到很多执行的脚本,因此我认为textwidth被覆盖了。

I wonder if there is a method to execute my line at the end and thus avoid the overwritten issue. 我想知道是否有一种方法可以在最后执行我的行,从而避免覆盖问题。

Your hypothesis that plugins are overriding your settings is probably right. 关于插件将覆盖您的设置的假设可能是正确的。 Putting your code at the end of vimrc would also not help as vimrc is loaded before plugins. 将代码放在vimrc的末尾也无济于事,因为vimrc在插件之前加载。

One way to get around this is to use after directory. 解决此问题的一种方法是在after目录中使用。 Create a file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/text.vim 创建一个文件~/.vim/after/ftplugin/text.vim

Add your code to this file. 将您的代码添加到此文件。 Vim will load this script after it loads plugins. Vim将在加载插件后加载该脚本。

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