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[英]How to resolve the “module is not defined” error?

I am trying to use KendoUI datetimepicker in my angular(1.x) project. 我想在我的angular(1.x)项目中使用KendoUI datetimepicker。 When I directly reference the KendoUI js file in my index.html page, it works fine. 当我在index.html页面中直接引用KendoUI js文件时,它可以正常工作。 But when i try to add a reference to it via gulp, it keeps on throwing the following error: 但是当我尝试通过gulp添加对它的引用时,它会继续抛出以下错误:

Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined at kendo.ui.core.js:1 未捕获的ReferenceError:模块未在kendo.ui.core.js中定义:1

In my package.json, I have 在我的package.json中,我有

"kendo-ui-core": "2017.2.621"

And this is what i have in my gulp file: 这就是我在gulp文件中的含义:

/// <reference path="node_modules/moment/moment.js" />
/// <reference path="node_modules/moment/src/moment.js" />
/// <binding BeforeBuild='clean' AfterBuild='build' Clean='clean' />
var gulp = require("gulp"),
    rimraf = require("rimraf"),
    less = require('gulp-less'),
    cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin'),
    concat = require("gulp-concat-sourcemap"),
    rename = require('gulp-rename'),
    jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
    ignore = require('gulp-ignore'),
    cacheBuster = require('gulp-cache-bust'),
    templateCache = require('gulp-angular-templatecache');

var paths = {
    webroot: "./build/",
    approot: "./app/"

paths.fonts = "./fonts/**/*";
paths.less = "./less/**/*.less";
paths.images = "./images/**/*";
paths.js = paths.approot + "**/*.js";
paths.specs = paths.approot + "**/*.spec.js";
paths.views = paths.approot + "**/*.html";

gulp.task("clean", function (cb) {
    rimraf(paths.webroot, cb);

gulp.task('jshint', function () {
    return gulp.src(paths.js)
        .pipe(jshint.reporter('gulp-jshint-file-reporter', {
            filename: __dirname + '/jshint-output.log'
       //.pipe(jshint.reporter("fail")); // Throw error and fail build

gulp.task("build:js",  function () {
    return gulp.src([
        paths.approot + "**/*.module.js",
        paths.approot + "**/*.config.js",
        "!" + paths.specs
    .pipe(concat('app.js', { sourcesContent: true }))
    .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "app/"));

gulp.task("build:views", function () {
    return gulp.src([paths.views])
        .pipe(templateCache({ root: "app", module: "goalEnvision" }))
        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "app/"));

gulp.task("build:fonts", function () {
    return gulp.src([
        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "fonts/"));

gulp.task("build:less", function () {
    return gulp.src(["./less/**/app.less"])      //compile app + theme less files
            paths: [

        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "css/"));

gulp.task("build:images", function () {
    return gulp.src([paths.images])
        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "images/"));

gulp.task("build:index.html", function () {
    return gulp.src("index.html")

gulp.task("build:favicon.ico", function () {
    return gulp.src("favicon.ico")

gulp.task("build:cache-bust", ["build:index.html", "build:js", "build:less", "build:libs.js", "build:libs.css"], function () {
    return gulp.src(paths.webroot + "index.html")

gulp.task('build:libs.js', function () {
        //inkluderas i common/components/guide behövde ändra i källkoden för att disabla automatisk scrolling


        //Tried with different permutation/combination of these files as well

    .pipe(concat('libs.js', { sourcesContent: true }))
    .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "/libs"));


gulp.task('build:libs.css', function () {

    .pipe(concat('libs.css', { sourcesContent: true }))
    .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.webroot + "/libs"));

gulp.task("build:webconfig", function () {
    return gulp.src("Web.config")

gulp.task("build", ["jshint", "build:js", "build:less", "build:fonts", "build:images", "build:libs.js", "build:libs.css", "build:views", "build:index.html", "build:favicon.ico", "build:cache-bust", "build:webconfig"]);

gulp.task('watchAndBuild', function () {
    gulp.watch(paths.js, ['build']);
    gulp.watch(paths.views, ['build']);

The exact line where it throws error relates to 它抛出错误的确切行与之相关


I think I am not including the kendoui files in the correct manner. 我想我没有以正确的方式包含kendoui文件。 What changes do I need to get it working? 让它运作需要做哪些改变?

The only way I was able to solve this error was by including a direct reference to the kendo ui js file in the index.html. 我能够解决此错误的唯一方法是在index.html中包含对kendo ui js文件的直接引用。 Hope it will help others. 希望它会帮助别人。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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