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Spring Integration Java DSL-流中的可重用对象

[英]Spring Integration Java DSL - Reusable object in the flow

I am new to Spring Integration DSL, and I am stuck with with a problem. 我是Spring Integration DSL的新手,并且遇到了问题。 I need to use Object from beginning of the flow on a specific point in the subFlow or any other point in the flow, something like a Session variable which is reusable throughout the whole flow. 我需要在子流中特定点或流中任何其他点的流开始处使用Object,例如Session变量,它可以在整个流中重复使用。 Here is the example where I transform udp request, transform it to http request which is sent to an api function and the received response doesn't contain data needed to make udp response. 在此示例中,我转换了udp请求,将其转换为发送到api函数的http请求,并且接收到的响应不包含进行udp响应所需的数据。 So somehow I need the data which is in the udp request to make udp response. 所以以某种方式我需要udp请求中的数据来做出udp响应。 I have been thinking about the splitter but I don't think that is a solution or even extending the current Integratin flow to my needs. 我一直在考虑分离器,但我认为这不是解决方案,甚至也不是将当前的Integratin流程扩展到我的需求。 I know the system isn't loosely coupled, but it has to be a way to do this. 我知道系统并不是松散耦合的,但这必须是实现此目标的一种方法。

public IntegrationFlow udpHttpFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlows.from(udpInboundChannel())
            /* udp request object to use */
            .<UdpRequest, Boolean>route(SessionObject::sessionExists, mapping -> mapping
                    .subFlowMapping(false, sf -> sf
                            /*use udp object here .handle(...) */
                    .subFlowMapping(true, sf -> sf
                        /* .handle(...) */

Solved it, used enrichHeaders method. 解决了它,使用了richHeaders方法。

public IntegrationFlow udpHttpFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlows.from(udpInboundChannel())
            /* save udb request object to message header */
            .enrichHeaders(s -> s.headerExpressions(h -> h.put("udp", "payload")))
            .<UdpRequest, Boolean>route(SessionObject::sessionExists, mapping -> mapping
                    .subFlowMapping(false, sf -> sf
                            /* an example how to use the udp request object */
                            .handle((payload, headers) -> headers.get("udp")))
                    .subFlowMapping(true, sf -> sf
                        /* .handle(...) */

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