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[英]nginx rewrite subfolder and file extension from the url

This is my scenario 这是我的情况

https://x.com/remove/something/subfolder/sub.html https://x.com/remove/something/subfolder/sub.html

should be rewritten to 应该改写为

https://x.com/something/subfolder/sub https://x.com/something/subfolder/sub

ie I want to remove a URL part ( remove in this case) and the file extension .html 即我想删除一个URL部分(在这种情况下remove )和文件扩展名.html

so far I've come with this 到目前为止,我已经有了这个

location /remove {
 rewrite ^/remove(/.*)$ $1 last;

but it's not working 但它不起作用


got remove part solved by rewrite ^/remove/(.*)$ https://x.com/$1 last; 通过rewrite ^/remove/(.*)$ https://x.com/$1 last;解决了remove部分rewrite ^/remove/(.*)$ https://x.com/$1 last;

now just need the file extension removal only 现在只需要删除文件扩展名

Your regular expression is capturing everything after the /remove part. 您的正则表达式将捕获/remove部分之后的所有内容。 You need to take the suffix out of the capture. 您需要删除后缀。

rewrite ^/remove(/.*)\.html$ $1 permanent;

See this document for details. 有关详细信息,请参见此文档 Also, note use of the appropriate flag. 另外,请注意使用适当的标志。

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