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[英]Why not SSL enable Apache with own CA?

I purchased a domain name. 我购买了一个域名。 I set up a website that is deployed on Apache, that is accessible at my domain, currently on http protocol "port 80". 我建立了一个部署在Apache上的网站,该网站可以在我的域中访问,当前在http协议“端口80”上。 I now want to configure this Apache server for SSL. 我现在想为此Apache服务器配置SSL。 I'm evaluating the below 2 options. 我正在评估以下2个选项。

Option #1: I create the "Certificate Signing Request" (CSR), then while acting as the CA, I create the certificate based on the CSR, I then configure Apache to be running on port 443, with the certificate I created. 选项#1:创建“证书签名请求”(CSR),然后在充当CA的同时,创建基于CSR的证书,然后将Apache创建的证书配置为在端口443上运行。

Option #2: I create the CSR, I submit my CSR to a widely known CA like Symantec to get a certificate. 选项2:我创建CSR,然后将CSR提交给Symantec等广为人知的CA以获得证书。 I then configure Apache to be running on port 443, with the certificate provided by Symantec. 然后,我使用Symantec提供的证书将Apache配置为在端口443上运行。

What are the downfalls to option #1? 选项1的缺点是什么?

From an end-user perspective "someone accessing my site", what indications would they have that I used option #1? 从最终用户“有人访问我的网站”的角度来看,他们有什么迹象表明我使用了选项1?

Is it correct to assume, with option #1, that I couldn't get end-users accessing my site to get a green bar menu? 使用选项#1假设我无法让最终用户访问我的网站以获得绿色栏菜单是否正确?

With option 1 the end user has no confidence they are not being spoofed. 使用选项1,最终用户无法确定自己没有被欺骗。 Because you are acting as your own CA the end user has to make a decision about whether to trust you. 由于您是自己的CA,因此最终用户必须决定是否信任您。 If they do - they may well be trusting someone who has intercepted your request and used their own certificate. 如果他们这样做,他们很可能会信任已经拦截了您的请求并使用了自己的证书的人。

With option 2 the user is trusting the CA that provided your certificate and can be more confident that no man-in-the-middle attack is taking place. 使用选项2时,用户将信任提供您证书的CA,并且可以更加确信没有发生中间人攻击。

For some purposes your own self-signed cert can be fine. 出于某些目的,您自己的自签名证书也可以。 Not for any real ecommerce though. 不适用于任何真正的电子商务。

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