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在GIT bash上找不到命令

[英]Command not found on GIT bash

I can run popular simple commands like ls , whoami . 我可以运行lswhoami等流行的简单命令。 I recently installed vagrant and trying to work around with GIT . 我最近安装了vagrant,并尝试使用GIT

When I do: 当我做:

config.vm.synced_folder "D:/GIT/myfolder/try/", 
"/opt/manasa/platform/manasa_server/client", create: true , owner: 
"root", group: "root"

I get the following output: 我得到以下输出:

bash: config.vm.synced_folder: command not found

I am working on Windows 10 and vagrant version : 我正在Windows 10和无业游民的版本上工作:

$ vagrant -v $ vagrant -v

Vagrant 1.9.8 流浪汉1.9.8

Can somebody what might be the problem? 有人可能是什么问题?

That line should be a part of your Vagrantfile . 该行应该是您的Vagrantfile的一部分。 You should not run that line in your terminal. 您不应该在终端中运行该行。

See here for an example of how I've used that line in my Vagrantfile . 有关如何在Vagrantfile使用该行的示例,请参见此处

Those lines must be placed between 这些线必须放在

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|



in your Vagrantfile 在您的Vagrantfile中

You must start vagrant with the command vagrant up in the same directory as your vagrant config file. 您必须先从命令无业游民vagrant up在相同的目录中颠沛流离的配置文件。 You cannot execute a vagrant config file in bash. 您无法在bash中执行无业游民的配置文件。

The version of the vagrantfile is < 2. Edit with this one and it will work vagrantfile的版本为<2。使用此版本进行编辑,它将起作用

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| Vagrant.configure(“ 2”)做| config |

rtuniki rtuniki@gmail.com rtuniki rtuniki@gmail.com

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