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编码的UI BrowserWindow投射到Selenium InternetExplorerDriver

[英]Coded UI BrowserWindow casting to Selenium InternetExplorerDriver

I am creating a CodedUI project in Visual studio along with Selenium web driver. 我正在Selenium Web驱动程序和Visual Studio中创建一个CodedUI项目。

I have CodedUI's BrowserWindow and a Selenium's InternetExplorerDriver . 我有CodedUI的BrowserWindow和Selenium的InternetExplorerDriver Is there any way to cast CodedUI's BrowserWindow to Selenium's InternetExplorerDriver ? 有什么方法可以将CodedUI的BrowserWindow强制转换为Selenium的InternetExplorerDriver吗?

Example like: 像这样的例子:

BrowserWindow browser = new BrowserWindow.Launch("http://abc.xyz");
IWebDriver driver = browser;

Thanks in Advance 提前致谢


I assume you want to do some activities using selenium browser and some with Codedui browser. 我假设您想使用Selenium浏览器进行某些活动,而使用Codedui浏览器进行一些活动。 Then Launch browser using selenium and use codedui browser to attach it. 然后使用硒启动浏览器,并使用codedui浏览器将其附加。


Selenium Browser 硒浏览器

IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["iedriver_exe"]); IWebDriver驱动程序=新的InternetExplorerDriver(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings [“ iedriver_exe”]); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(urlLink); driver.Navigate()。GoToUrl(urlLink);

CodedUi Browser var browser = BrowserWindow.Locate("browsertitle"); CodedUi浏览器 var browser = BrowserWindow.Locate(“ browsertitle”);

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