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[英]What is the difference between un-authenticated and authenticated MPNS?

Only difference I found is that the un-authenticated MPNS have a limited amount of daily push notifications, I'm afraid about that another difference is this that un-authentication don't recognize the end-user. 我发现的唯一区别是,未经身份验证的MPNS每日推送通知的数量有限,我担心另一个差异是,未经身份验证的用户无法识别最终用户。 I'm right or wrong with this one? 我对还是错? Or maybe there is other difference between this two? 也许这两者之间还有其他区别?

未经身份验证的MPNS Push每天限制为500,而经过身份验证的MPNS Push不会受到限制,并且经过身份验证的Push通过使用Microsoft信任的根CA授权机构颁发的证书建立的SSL连接传递到MPNS。

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