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在Akka Streams图形中将流的输出馈送到广播

[英]Feeding the output of a Flow to a Broadcast in Akka Streams Graph

I am trying to write a Akka Stream graph. 我正在尝试编写Akka流图。 The code I have written is 我写的代码是

val graph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(sink1, sink2)((_, _)) { implicit builder =>
   (sink1, sink2) =>
      import GraphDSL.Implicits._
      val bcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Row](2))
      val flow = source ~> flow1 ~> flow2
      flow.out ~> bcast.in
      bcast.out(0) ~> sink1
      bcast.out(1) ~> flow3 ~> flow4 ~> sink2

val (f1, f2) = graph.run()
val consolidated = Future.sequence(List(f1, f2))
Await.result(consolidated, Duration.Inf)

This code does not compile because I cannot connect the out of flow to the in of bcast. 此代码无法编译,因为我无法将流出流连接到bcast的入流。

I can connect the out of the source to the in of the bcast, but I cannot do that because some portion is common between the two branches. 我可以将源的出站连接到bcast的入站,但是我不能这样做,因为两个分支之间的某些部分是相同的。 So I must create the branch in the graph only after flow2 所以我只能在flow2之后在图中创建分支

Also... I am not sure if I am writing the Graph correctly because it is returning two futures of Done and I need to combine them into a single future manually using Sequence. 另外...我不确定我是否正确编写了Graph,因为它返回了两个Future的Done,并且我需要使用Sequence将它们手动合并为一个Future。

You can't wire your graph in 2 steps, as the ~> combinator does not give you back a flow. 您不能分两步对图形进行连线,因为~>组合器不会使您流回。 It is in fact a stateful, declarative operation. 实际上,这是有状态的声明式操作。

A better approach here would be to wire your graph in one go, eg 一种更好的方法是一次性连接图表,例如

  source ~> flow1 ~> flow2 ~> bcast
                              bcast          ~>          sink1
                              bcast ~> flow3 ~> flow4 ~> sink2

or, alternatively you can split the declarations by adding a stage to the builder (and retrieving its shape), eg 或者,您也可以通过向构建器添加一个阶段(并获取其形状)来拆分声明,例如

  val flow2s = builder.add(flow2)

  source ~> flow1 ~> flow2s.in
  flow2s.out ~> bcast
                bcast          ~>          sink1
                bcast ~> flow3 ~> flow4 ~> sink2

Regarding the materialized Future s, you need to choose what is meaningful as a materialized value of your graph as a whole. 关于物化Future ,您需要选择有意义的值作为整个图的物化值。 If you only need one of the 2 Sink s materialized Future s, you need to pass only that one to the GraphDSL.create method. 如果您只需要2个Sink的实现的Future的一个,则只需将那个传递给GraphDSL.create方法。 If, otherwise, you are interested in both Future s, it makes perfect sense to sequence or zip them together. 否则,如果您对两个Future都感兴趣,则将它们sequencezip在一起是很有意义的。

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