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[英]JavaScript Operator Precedence

According to Mozilla , the === operator has higher precedence than the || 根据Mozilla的说法,===运算符的优先级高于||。 operator, which is what I would expect. 运算符,这是我所期望的。

However this statement evaluates to the number 1, rather than false. 但是,此语句的计算结果为1,而不是false。

let x = 1 || 0 === 0; // x === 1;

You have to wrap in parens to get a boolean: 您必须包装括号以获得布尔值:

let x = (1 || 0) === 0; // x === false;

What gives? 是什么赋予了?

NOTE this is not a dup of this question, which does not have anything about equality operators - JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation 注意这不是这个问题的重复,它没有任何关于相等运算符的内容-JavaScript OR(||)变量赋值说明

Higher operator precedence is like a parenthesis around the operands. 更高的运算符优先级就像操作数周围的括号。

let x = 1 || (0 === 0);

The second part gets never evaluated, because of the truthy value of 1 . 由于真实值为1 ,所以第二部分永远不会得到评估。

|| is a short circuit operator and conditions are evaluated from left to right. 是短路运算符,条件从左到右进行评估。
So here : left || right 所以这里: left || right left || right , if the left condition is true , the whole condition is evaluated to true and the right one is never evaluated. left || right ,如果left条件为true ,则将整个条件评估为true ,而从不评估right条件。

Here : 这里 :

let x = 1 || 0 === 0; // x === 1;

x = 1 assigns 1 to x and the second condition after || x = 1受让人1x和之后的第二条件|| is never evaluated as if (1) is evaluated to true . 永远不会被评估为if (1)evaluatedtrue

And here : 和这里 :

let x = (1 || 0) === 0; // x === false;

(1 || 0) is evaluated to true as if (1) is still evaluated to true . (1 || 0)被评估为trueif (1)仍被evaluatedtrue
And then true === 0 is evaluated to false . 然后将true === 0评估为false
So x is valued to false . 因此x的值为false

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