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[英]ASP.NET MVC store CSS class in the node

I would like to add icons from Font Awesome to my sitemap. 我想将Font Awesome中的图标添加到我的站点地图中。 I want to store related classes in my node and then, in my menuHelperMode.cshtml assign this class to related place holder: 我想在我的节点中存储相关的类,然后在我的menuHelperMode.cshtml分配给相关的占位符:

<mvcSiteMapNode title="Documents" controller="Documents" action="Index" iconClass ="fa fa-file-text"/>

From what i have seen so far, i assume it can work, however i can't find a method how can i access this custom node in my .cshtml file. 从目前为止我所看到的,我认为它可以工作,但是我找不到方法如何访问.cshtml文件中的此自定义节点。 I have tried this (as mentioned in related question): 我已经尝试过了(如相关问题中所述):

<div class="@("circle " + child["iconClass"])">

But it can not be indexed like [""] here. 但是,此处无法像[""]那样对其进行索引。 I think, it works for binding events only. 我认为,它仅适用于绑定事件。 So my question is, how can i access my custom node attribute directly from cshtml Razor layout? 所以我的问题是,如何直接从cshtml Razor布局访问我的自定义节点属性?

Attributes of the node can be accessed via Attributes property: 可以通过Attributes属性访问节点的属性:

if (child.Attributes.ContainsKey("iconClass"))
    <div class="@("circle " + child.Attributes["iconClass"])">
    <div class="circle">

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