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[英]How to create a custom method for a given customRule in Aurelia Validation

I am using aurelia-validation, and I created a customRule. 我正在使用aurelia-validation,我创建了一个customRule。

Rule validation logic: 规则验证逻辑:

export function validateCompare(value: any, obj: any, otherPropertyName: string) {
    return value === null ||
        value === undefined ||
        value === "" ||
        obj[otherPropertyName] === null ||
        obj[otherPropertyName] === undefined ||
        obj[otherPropertyName] === "" ||
        value === obj[otherPropertyName];

Configuration: 组态:

import { ValidationRules, validationMessages } from "aurelia-validation";
import { validateCompare } from "./compareValidation";

export function configureValidation() {
    validationMessages["required"] = "${$displayName} é obrigatório";
    validationMessages["email"] = "${$displayName} em formato inválido";

    ValidationRules.customRule("compare", validateCompare, "${$displayName} não confere com ${$getDisplayName($config.otherPropertyName)}", otherPropertyName => ({ otherPropertyName }));

Using the customRule: 使用customRule:

    .ensure((m: ClienteEdicaoViewModel) => m.Login).required().satisfiesRule("login")
    .ensure((m: ClienteEdicaoViewModel) => m.Senha).satisfiesRule("requiredIf", "ConfirmacaoSenha").satisfiesRule("senha")
    .ensure((m: ClienteEdicaoViewModel) => m.ConfirmacaoSenha).displayName("Confirmação de Senha").satisfiesRule("requiredIf", "Senha").satisfiesRule("compare", "Senha")

Question: 题:

I am using typescript, and I would like to create a method that wraps the use of the satisfiesRule , I would like to apply rules in this way: 我正在使用typescript,我想创建一个包装使用satisfiesRule ,我想以这种方式应用规则:

    .ensure((m: ClienteEdicaoViewModel) => m.Login).required().login()
    .ensure((m: ClienteEdicaoViewModel) => m.Senha).requiredIf("ConfirmacaoSenha").senha()
    .ensure((m: ClienteEdicaoViewModel) => m.ConfirmacaoSenha).displayName("Confirmação de Senha").requiredIf("Senha").compare("Senha")

How can I create those requiredIf and compare methods and use it in the FluentRule? 如何创建requiredIfcompare方法并在FluentRule中使用它?

C# has extensions methods that it would be able to do, but I tried some ways in typescript without no success. C#有扩展方法可以做到,但我尝试了一些打字稿方法而没有成功。

You need to augment the validation module and provide the implementation to the prototype. 您需要扩充验证模块并为原型提供实现。 This is what your configuration should look like. 这就是您的配置应该是什么样子。

import { ValidationRules, validationMessages, FluentRuleCustomizer, FluentRules } from "aurelia-validation";
import { validateCompare } from "./compareValidation";

export function configureValidation() {
    validationMessages["required"] = "${$displayName} é obrigatório";
    validationMessages["email"] = "${$displayName} em formato inválido";

    ValidationRules.customRule("compare", validateCompare, "${$displayName} não confere com ${$getDisplayName($config.otherPropertyName)}", otherPropertyName => ({ otherPropertyName }));

declare module "aurelia-validation/dist/commonjs/implementation/validation-rules" {
    interface FluentRules<TObject, TValue> {
        compare(value: string): FluentRuleCustomizer<TObject, TValue>;

    interface FluentRuleCustomizer<TObject, TValue> {
        compare(value: string): FluentRuleCustomizer<TObject, TValue>;

FluentRules.prototype.compare = function (value: string) {
    return this.satisfiesRule("compare", value);

FluentRuleCustomizer.prototype.compare = function (value: string) {
    return this.satisfiesRule("compare", value);

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