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[英]How do I sort taking greater than and less than into consideration?

I need to have a sort on two strings take the > and < symbols into consideration. 我需要对两个字符串进行排序,并考虑>和<符号。 So, for example, the sort might look like 因此,例如,排序可能看起来像


So basically all the strings with < are first, followed by a normal sort, followed by all numbers with a > symbol. 所以基本上所有带<的字符串首先是正常排序,然后是带有>符号的所有数字。 I'd also like the sort to respect the exact order shown (eg >100 appears before >1,000 when sorted low to high) 我也想要尊重所显示的确切顺序(例如>从100到1000之前出现> 100时从高到高排序)

Here is my code that works without the symbols (sorting all rows in a table): 这是我的代码,没有符号(排序表中的所有行):

if ($this.hasClass('sort-mixed')) {
  sort_func = sort_mixed;

function sort_mixed(a, b) {

  var val_a = $(a).children().eq(column_index).text();
  var val_b = $(b).children().eq(column_index).text();

  val_a = Number(val_a.toString().replace(/,/g, ""));
  val_b = Number(val_b.toString().replace(/,/g, ""));  

  if(val_a > val_b) {
    return 1 * sort_direction;
  if(val_a < val_b) {
    return -1 * sort_direction;
  return 0;

Here is not a complete solution but enough to get you started. 这不是一个完整的解决方案,但足以让您入门。 We'll break the array into multiple parts, sort each part, then put the array back together. 我们将数组分成多个部分,对每个部分进行排序,然后将数组重新组合在一起。

 function toNumber(s) { return +s.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '') } var arr = [ '<20', '>1,000', '1,000,000.75', '<40', '0.1', '10', '<100', '>100' ]; var lt = arr .filter(s => s.startsWith('<')) .map(s => s.slice(1)) .map(toNumber) .sort((a, b) => a - b) .map(n => '<' + n); var eq = arr .filter(s => !s.startsWith('>') && !s.startsWith('<')) .map(toNumber) .sort((a, b) => a - b) .map(n => '' + n); var gt = arr.filter(s => s.startsWith('>')) .map(s => s.slice(1)) .map(toNumber) .sort((a, b) => a - b) .map(n => '>' + n); console.log([].concat(lt, eq, gt)); 

Outputs: 输出:

["<20", "<40", "<100", "0.1", "10", "1000000.75", ">100", ">1000"]

Sort with a single comparator function: 使用单个比较器功能排序:

const order = { regular: 1, reverse: -1 };
let sortOrder = order.regular;
let strings = ['0.1', '1,000,000.75', '10', '<100', '<20', '<40', '>1,000', '>100'];

function compare(a, b) {
   function toNum(str) { return +str.replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, ''); }
   function range(str) { return { '<': -1, '>': 1 }[str[0]] || 0; }
   const rangeA = range(a);
   const rangeB = range(b);
   const score = rangeA === rangeB ? toNum(a) - toNum(b) : rangeA - rangeB;
   return score * sortOrder;


The function range() checks if the string starts with a '<' or '>' and sets a value that is used for sorting if the strings have different ranges. 函数range()检查字符串是否以'<''>'开头,并设置一个值,如果字符串具有不同的范围,则用于排序。 Otherwise, the strings are converted to numbers and simply sorted as numbers. 否则,字符串将转换为数字,并简单地按数字排序。

With the example input data, the resulting strings array is: 使用示例输入数据,生成的strings数组是:

["<20", "<40", "<100", "0.1", "10", "1,000,000.75", ">100", ">1,000"]

Fiddle with the code: 摆弄代码:
https://jsfiddle.net/fxgt4uzm https://jsfiddle.net/fxgt4uzm

Edited: 编辑:
Added sortOrder . 添加了sortOrder

Composition approach 组合方法

// Sort function maker
// - create a sort fn based on two compare fns
//   {f}= primary
//   {g}= secondary
const sort = (f, g) => (a, b) => f(a,b) || g(a,b)

// Compare function maker
// - create a compare fn based on a weighting fn, {w}
const cmp_asc_of = (w) => (a, b) => w(a) - w(b)
const cmp_desc_of = (w) => (a, b) => w(b) - w(a)

// Weighting function
// - weight a given string, {string}, returns a number
const weight_op = (string) => ..
const weight_num = (string) => ..

// Then, create sort functions
const asc  = sort(cmp_asc_of(weight_op), cmp_asc_of(weight_num))
const desc = sort(cmp_asc_of(weight_op), cmp_desc_of(weight_num))

// Usage

Demo 演示

For your case.. 对于你的情况..

function sort_mixed(a, b) {
  var val_a = ..
  var val_b = ..
  return isHighToLow ? desc(val_a, val_b) : asc(val_a, val_b)

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