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带有 FCM 推送通知的 Angular Service Worker

[英]Angular Service worker with FCM push notification

In my web app(using Angular4) I am using "@angular/service-worker": "^1.0.0-beta.16" for generating service worker and also using firebase-messaging-sw.js for FCM push notification, angular/service-worker creates worker-basic.min.js only in production build.在我的网络应用程序(使用 Angular4)中,我使用"@angular/service-worker": "^1.0.0-beta.16"来生成服务工作者,并使用firebase-messaging-sw.js进行 FCM 推送通知,angular /service-worker 仅在生产构建中创建worker-basic.min.js Now, how to use these 2 service-workers together??现在,如何将这 2 个 service-worker 一起使用?

I can respond about using simultaneously : 我可以同时回复:

1. Development: in src directory: 1.开发:src目录中:

  • I create an empty file named service-worker.js . 我创建了一个名为service-worker.js的空文件。 The real one will be generated after the build process but this file has to exist (even empty) to avoid error message while serving with ng serve . 真实的一个将在构建过程之后生成,但是该文件必须存在(甚至为空)以避免在使用ng serve出现错误消息。
  • I create a file named firebase-messaging-sw.js whose content is: (add https:// before both www , stakoverflow limits me in number of links!) 我创建了一个名为firebase-messaging-sw.js的文件,其内容为:(在两个www之前添加https:// ,stakoverflow限制了我的链接数量!)

    importScripts('www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/3.9.0/firebase-app.js'); importScripts('www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/3.9.0/firebase-messaging.js'); firebase.initializeApp({ 'messagingSenderId': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' // replace by yours! }); const messaging = firebase.messaging();
  • I create a file named global-sw.js . 我创建了一个名为global-sw.js的文件。 This is THE Service Worker you have to register in index.html (ask me how if needed). 这是您必须在index.html注册的服务工作者(如果需要,请问我如何)。 Content of global-sw.js is: global-sw.js内容是:

    importScripts('service-worker.js'); importScripts('firebase-messaging-sw.js');

2. Update of .angular-cli.json: To have those files included in my future dist directory (generated with the production build process), I update .angular-cli.json this way : .angular-cli.json - extract 2.更新.angular-cli.json:为了将这些文件包含在我未来的dist目录中(使用生成构建过程生成),我.angular-cli.json这种方式更新.angular-cli.json.angular-cli.json - extract

3. Production build: I run ng build -prod then I generate service-worker.js . 3.生产构建:我运行ng build -prod然后生成service-worker.js For me, this one can only be generated after the build process. 对我来说,这个只能在构建过程之后生成。


Just add to angular.json the file you want whe compiler to now about.只需将编译器现在想要的文件添加到 angular.json 中。

"assets": [
    "src/firebase-messaging-sw.js", // add this one
    "src/manifest.json" // this one also 

Credits to https://medium.com/mighty-ghost-hack/angular-8-firebase-cloud-messaging-push-notifications-cc80d9b36f82归功于https://medium.com/mighty-ghost-hack/angular-8-firebase-cloud-messaging-push-notifications-cc80d9b36f82

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