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[英]Powershell - strip all whitespace from each line in hosts file before creating variables from IP, FQDN & Hostname & using these to ping

Say we have a hosts file of: 假设我们有一个主机文件:    test1.domain test1   test2.domain test2
30.30.301.30   test3.domain test3    test4.domain test4

Note the IPs with 3 digits in the host identifier, with this in mind, each line is structured slightly differently, in that those with the 2 digits, have more spaces between the IP and the FQDN. 请注意主机标识符中具有3位数字的IP,请记住,每行的结构略有不同,因为具有2位数字的IP在IP和FQDN之间具有更多的空格。 Bearing in mind these differences, how would one either: 1. extract the FQDN from each line & ping as you go through each line OR 2. strip out the IP altogether and then loop through each entry, pinging each FQDN as you go? 牢记这些差异,怎么办:1.从每条线路中提取FQDN,并在遍历每条线路时执行ping操作;或2.完全剥夺IP,然后遍历每个条目,在执行过程中对每个FQDN进行ping操作?

I can't seem to do option 1, and the closest to option 2 I have got is by doing this: 我似乎无法执行选项1,最接近选项2的方法是:

Get-Content hosts | ForEach-Object { $_Split()[3]; }

But this only prints out those hosts where there is 3 digits in the host identifier, whilst those with 2 digits have more whitespace between the IP and FQDN, therefore it counts the FQDN as being on the 4th field. 但是,这只会打印出主机标识符中包含3位数字的那些主机,而那些具有2位数字的主机在IP和FQDN之间具有更大的空格,因此它将FQDN视为位于第4个字段。

Can anyone assist with this please? 有人可以帮忙吗? I am fairly new to PowerShell coming from a UNIX background. 我对来自UNIX背景的PowerShell相当陌生。

Strings in Powershell are .Net String objects and thus contain powerful manipulation methods. Powershell中的字符串是.Net字符串对象,因此包含强大的操作方法。 Split() can be told to omit empty elements. 可以告诉Split() 省略空元素。 Like so, 像这样

# Read host list
$data = Get-Content C:\Temp\hostlist.txt
# Split each row from the file. Use space to split, omit empty elements
# Thus element 0 is the IP, 1 is the FQDN, 2 is the hostname
$data | ForEach-Object { ($_.split(" ", [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries))[1] }

# Output

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