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[英]Unable to install the latest release candidate of a Python library on GitHub

I didn't succeed installing the latest airflow release candidate. 我没有成功安装最新的airflow发布候选软件。

Specifically, running pip install -e git://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow.git@1.8.2rc4#egg=airflow on the CL ended with: 具体来说,在CL上运行pip install -e git://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow.git@1.8.2rc4#egg=airflow结尾为:

File "/home/alex/Desktop/urban-physiology-toolkit/src/airflow/setup.py", line 87, in git_version
        assert tag == version, (tag, version)
    AssertionError: ('1.8.2rc4', '1.8.2')

Followed by the usual pip FAIL redtext. 随后是通常的pip失败失败。

The offending code line is a tag version check. 令人反感的代码行是标记版本检查。

Installing from HEAD works fine. HEAD安装可以正常工作。

Is this an error on my part, or an error in the setup.py configuration of the library? 这是我的错误,还是库的setup.py配置错误?

It is a bug in airflow.version — they've forgotten to change it to 1.8.2rc4 . 这是airflow.version中的错误-他们忘记将其更改为1.8.2rc4

Please report the bug to the team. 请将该错误报告给团队。

Sorry this is not a bug, but happens due to the Apache release process which required us not to change the source during/after voting. 抱歉,这不是一个错误,但是由于Apache发行过程而发生,这要求我们在投票期间/之后不要更改源。 This means we need to keep "1.8.2" in version.py while the tag says something else. 这意味着我们需要在version.py中保留“ 1.8.2”,而标记中还需要说明其他内容。

If you want rc4 of airflow why don't you install from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/airflow/1.8.2rc4/apache-airflow-1.8.2+incubating-bin.tar.gz 如果您想要rc4的气流,为什么不从https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/airflow/1.8.2rc4/apache-airflow-1.8.2+incubating-bin.tar安装.gz

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