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[英]How to filter data from API , ListView - React-Native

i'm trying to filter data with React-Native but the info in Stackoverflow doesn't help so much. 我正在尝试使用React-Native过滤数据,但是Stackoverflow中的信息没有太大帮助。

What i have: 我有的:

ArtistListView File ArtistListView文件

I have a api-client.js file: 我有一个api-client.js文件:

const URL = 'API_URL';

function getArtists(){
return fetch(URL)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => data.topartists.artist)
    .then(artists =>artists.map(artist => {
        return {
            id: artist.mbid,
            name: artist.name,
            image: artist.image[3]['#text'],
            url: artist.url,
            likes: 400,
            comments: 200,


  export{ getArtists }

but i got the error 但我得到了错误

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'item.artist.toUpperCase') 未定义不是对象(评估“ item.artist.toUpperCase”)

hope that anyone can explain to me what i have wrong. 希望任何人都可以向我解释我错了。


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