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[英]MODX: Is there a way to disable caching for templates completely?

I'm developing a site locally with XAMPP.我正在使用 XAMPP 在本地开发一个站点。 I am using static files for templates, snippets and chunks.我将静态文件用于模板、片段和块。

Currently, whenever I update a template file I need to manually clear MODX's cache in the Manager before I see any changes on the front end.目前,每当我更新模板文件时,我都需要在管理器中手动清除 MODX 的缓存,然后才能看到前端的任何更改。 This is a bit of a pain and doesnt really work with my task runners.这有点痛苦,并且不适用于我的任务运行器。

In the settings area I've turned off:在我关闭的设置区域中:

  • Cacheable default可缓存的默认值
  • Enable Script Cache启用脚本缓存
  • Enable System Setting Cache启用系统设置缓存

And turned on并开启

  • Disable Global Cache Options禁用全局缓存选项

But there is no changes.但是没有任何变化。

Is there some other setting I'm missing?我还缺少其他一些设置吗?

Is there some CLI commands I could use to do this?是否有一些 CLI 命令可以用来执行此操作?

I think you are looking for cache_resource setting.我认为您正在寻找cache_resource设置。 You can set it to No on your dev environment.您可以在开发环境中将其设置为No

More information: https://docs.modx.com/current/en/building-sites/settings/cache_resource更多信息: https : //docs.modx.com/current/en/building-sites/settings/cache_resource

You can write a gulp task watching for some changes in templates and cleaning Modx cache.您可以编写一个 gulp 任务来监视模板中的某些更改并清理 Modx 缓存。 Then necessery run it every time you start to work.然后每次开始工作时都必须运行它。

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